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About Russelman

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. My pair of small Russell’s I use for mooching / Bushing with .
  2. Hi mate not on scent , however as soon as they are in sight of quarry then yes , for me that’s useful as I know when they are on game and when they aren’t and when I need to get running after them ??
  3. Yes cracking dogs for mooching about with ...
  4. Yes mate , and on all manor of game can’t keep them still or out of cover just great dogs to mooch with
  5. Let’s see some of your bushing dogs , here’s my two to start it off .
  6. Yes mate , do your dogs work / open up on them ?
  7. Out with the pair or Russell’s today bushing , never known a pair of terriers who hate deer so much will not give up when pushing them out of cover giving voice the whole time , good bit of fitness for them like
  8. Got a pair of Russell , keen bushers but sometimes have a tendency to try and drop to ground in the process. Any tips on helping prevent them from dropping in ATB.
  9. Any cheap farm quads aroun under £600
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