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Posts posted by Yankeeterrier

  1. 5 hours ago, Mr. Mxyzptlk said:

    Thnx,appreciate that .Don't know if I'm ready for one just yet lol but will check back with ya if i am.Just researching at this point cause i don't know anyone with firsthand experience. 

    The guy was pretty old 5 or so years ago. He had some that were pure bred (I think) he was using as decoy dogs for coyotes, but the dogs kept just killing the coyotes instead of bringing them back. He had some he bred down with terriers (if I recall correctly) and was using to go to ground. 


    Old governement trapper specializing in wolves. 

  2. Beagle pups we start on rabbits we just get them around rabbits. I don’t know what it’s like where you are but we have some good county parks that are mowed with wooded edges, early mornings the rabbits will be right on the edge there. Take the pup out and let him see them, then smell them. Every day you can just keep on it. They’ll figure it out quicker than you think. Lots of praise and make it fun. 

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  3. 7 hours ago, Varminator said:

    Same here need rain bad 

    Wish it could send you some of ours. Rivers finally clear enough to fish and we have two days of rain forecasted. 


    That being said a lot of game around. Few Fox I’ve seen with mange, but I have at least two more confirmed healthy (for now) near by. Plenty of raccoon and just found some real spots for ground hogs. Pup should be able to get some time in over the winter in barns and we will see how spring is for putting him in earth

    • Like 2
  4. 5 hours ago, Themole said:

    What's the breeding Yankee terrier think I've an idea anyway 


    5 hours ago, Themole said:

    What's the breeding Yankee terrier think I've an idea anyway 

    That’s the info I have on them with regards to breeding. I was gonna wait for his next litter after the one referenced here (an accidental breeding) but jumped at this one after seeing the sire hunt. 


  5. On 13/07/2018 at 14:47, Jambalaya said:


    Yep,  the Europeans are quick to suck our money only to feed us shit and keep us in the dark.. I agree

    Why not just get dogs from guys over here? To hell with the PED. Go out with guys and hunt, if you like their stuff get a dog. If the dog turns out great, if not so be it. 


    I knew no one with dogs. Called a random guy near me and he took me out. Showed me his dogs. Explained their faults and what he liked. Explained why he bred what he did. Couldn’t ask for more. Since I’ve met a few other guys who have been nothing but help. 


    Just work your dogs. If you do that the rest will fall into place

    • Like 17
  6. Ours stay in the house due to neighbors. Especially with terriers I would think the last thing you need is someone spotting them after hunting. That, combined with a string of stolen dogs in our area and it’s not worth the risk of leaving them out. Plus having two hounds that basically sleep all day helps. 


    That being said me and my fiancé are constantly looking for land in the country where we could have a kennel. We don’t mind the dogs but occasionally they’re annoying. I do think there is something to be said for having more of a connection between oneself and the dogs if you spend so much time with them however. 

  7. 33 minutes ago, Ace Boone coon said:

    We're you from yankee? Im from the north and in the winter's we have fat coons here. If i saw a skinny coon in the winter i would think it would sick. Animals know winter is coming and they need the extra fat to help survive the cold. And they dont hibernate persay so there still eating. Maybe harder for them to find food but coons are real resourceful there not stupid.

    MN. Biggest ones I see (in my opinion) are late summer/fall/early winter. Fat and great pelt. Seems like all the ones trapped and hunted then are big. That’s not to say that the tail end of winter they are all small but I find more small ones then IMO. 


    Who knows, getting this terrier thing going I might change my tune. Could be just the ones we stumble across later in the winter with the beagles aren’t the best or brightest. The 6 or so I got with terriers last year were 20 lbs or so I’d say on average however 

  8. 1 minute ago, Ace Boone coon said:

    Nice looking coon. But doesn't look around 35lbs. That coon looks like an average size here in the north. But still a good looking coon. And the coon doesn't lean out in the winter month's they fatten up  for the winter. Just curious it looks like it was dead and someone was baiting the dog's to come out from were ever they were at, how did they catch it and how was it dispersed?

    I’ll show you a pic of the coon we get in late February/early March  around here that aren’t eating high on the hog. You get ones that are in the corn bins or eating some farmers cat food in the barn and they do well but there are a decent amount that turn all yellow and look deflated almost

  9. 5 hours ago, rob284 said:

    Would they not be much heavier for the winter?

    I guess there are a lot of variables and to be clear this is a massive coon IMO. But frequently they loose a bit over the winter due to inactivity, lack of food, and trying to stay warm. 


    Obviously this depends on where you are. In the south this probably doesn’t matter and applies more towards the northern coon where it gets colder. Also, I don’t know exactly how much they lose, but by the end of the season up here they look pretty tough sometimes.

  10. 1 hour ago, skycat said:

    No dog is hard wired to accept strange dogs: it's a pack thing. I doubt that your pup is being protective of you, more that he's unsure how to deal with meeting strange dogs, so probably stands in front of you (you're the safe place, the known, you've got his back, so to speak) using you as the big strong being to boost his courage. The only way we can get some dogs to feel comfortable around strange dogs is by careful socialisation, which doesn't mean throwing everything and everyone at the pup when it can't get away: too much stimulus at the wrong time in a pup's development can turn it into a nervous/aggressive wreck. 

    I generally find that once my young dogs know what they're doing regards hunting, they'll accept any other dog that is hunting alongside them, which doesn't mean to say that they'll accept a strange dog trying to muscle in on their catch. Dogs are very like people, they have tribes, close family within that tribe. My own dogs know another tribe just up the road who they hunt with every now and again: when they meet it's like a big meet and greet fiesta for a few moments, then they settle down to work. Other times someone's pet joins in on a hunt, usually a terrier of sorts, and my dogs barely give it a second glance: it's become an honorary pack member for the short time it is there. 

    That’s basically what happened however I do feel setting played a role as well,  this I think because when he’s met the friends dogs he’s had no issue. With them he goes in, sniffs, and they’re done really. 


    This situation (with regards to this post) worked out great IMO because while my dog got worked up the other was bored basically. It didn’t pay much mind to the little dog barking at it chest all puffed out

  11. I assume the little guy reacted as he did because he was startled. He gets taken out to parks etc multiple days of the week and loves people. I’m just sort of realizing he hasn’t interacted much with dogs except for those we own and a friends. Going to have make a bit more of a point to do so 

  12. My pup gets along great with my dogs, but as we found out today he’s protective of me when encountering another dog that’s not expected. So, how much do you all get your dogs around other dogs? I know us yanks do things a bit different with barn hunting and using two dogs at once with some regularity so I just want my dog to be ok with others 

  13. So I take my pup (just over 5 months) for a leashed walk around town once a day and 3-5 days take him out and about off leash in the woods. I’ve avoided one opossum with the pup so far but have been walking him near brush piles and blow downs. Should I avoid them for the time being? I’m trying to get him out and about but don’t wanna rush him

  14. 2 hours ago, Mooching Celt said:

    You guys only need buy the collar, the receiver box you can get from the ski shops. They all work on the same frequency

    Guy I hunt with ONLY barn hunts and will let me use his anytime I want. Gotta get this pups teeth set before I consider any groundhogs. 

  15. 1 hour ago, fireman said:

    Maybe get onto Bellman and Flint and try to open a sales link in the USA with them,

    I don’t know for sure but my guess would be I couldn’t afford the start up plus sales in general just isn’t my scene. I’m becoming less and less in the mood for having to do stuff like that. 

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