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About Antzhig1

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  • Location
    Scotland North Lanarkshire
  1. I was introduced to the landowner by my dad's freind and any shooting on that land will be done in his company. I know not go behind his back, it would be a dirty tactic to go behind anyone's back
  2. Another thing, my dad knows a few people who have permission to shoot at different locations (other than the one who's agreed to help me out), am I right in saying you must have written permission on your face before you can shoot on the land?
  3. I have decided to get a .22 lr to start with, have already spoke to the landowner where my dad's friend has the permission and he said I could shoot on his land no problem, his land covers my dad's friends ticket and he has .22 .243 and shotguns so there shouldn't be a problem. The gun that has really caught my eye is the anschutz 1417 with the thumbhole stock, I know it's a bit more expensive than other rifles but if I buy this rifle it will do me for a lifetime.
  4. Hello everyone, another quick question regarding purchasing second hand rifles, is there any major things I should look out for when buying a rifle other than visible damage? thanks again
  5. That's been my way of thinking for a few weeks dan but I'm the type of guy who likes to hear others opinions, I sent my application away 6 weeks ago, from talking to a few guys up my way I've been told to expect a wait of at least 4 months, gives me plenty of time to get my gear purchased and ready to go!
  6. Hello everyone as I recently said on my introduction, I have recently applied for a Fac/Sgc. To start with I will be shooting under the guidance of an experienced shooter who has his own permission and his own rifles(.22,.243) and Shotgun. I have applied for the above rifles and shotgun but having two young kids and a moaning girlfriend it's going to take me a few years to build up to this. I am looking to give this a serious go and eventually get my own permission. The point in this post is should I start with a 243 or a 22? I was thinking to gain my own ground I would be more likely let on t
  7. Hello everyone, a quick little introduction. I used to do a bit of shooting when I was younger with my dad's friend, my mind wandered elsewhere for a few years however I have recently applied for my Firearms and Shotgun certificates. I'm on here mainly to pick up advice! Thanks again
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