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Captain Black

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Posts posted by Captain Black

  1. Cheers for the feedback guys, some great ideas. Not been online for a while so time of an update.

    Was given an old hutch yesterday, It will do as a stopgap but am going ahead with my self build soon, all I need now is some mesh and felt.

    A polecat hob is also on the cards, that is if its still around as like I said not been online for a week or so.

  2. Hi guys, got my eyes out for a second hand hutch ready for when I get my first ferret. Just been nosing around in the garden and have more than enough timber to make one by the looks of it, even have a 8x4 marine ply board in the the junk room for the roof n floor.

    Could do with some suggestions regarding the best design.

    Was thinking of making a two tier hutch around 4ft in length with the run build under the hutch. Not sure what the rest of the dimensions should be in terms of hight and depth.

    Will also need to get mesh, what mesh size is best and any suggestions where to get it?

    I'm hoping to start with a single hob but would like the hutch to be big enough to accommodate a possible second ferret in the future.





    I've just started ferretting (so I don't claim any expertise) but I benefitted hugely from a few trips with a mate who knows the ropes. If you can find a mentor, grab him and learn everything he or she knows.

    I got 20 purse nets for Xmas and I was given my ferret for free, but I saved some money and bought a second-hand Mk3 and collar for a hundred quid.....and although it's a lot of money, I'm glad I did ! I went out on my own for the first time last weekend, and the peace of mind it brings you is priceless !

    You've got the summer to save up, so go for it and you'll have some of the best days out you'll ever have ! Good luck, mate !

    (For the record, the ferret worked well and the pup made his first solo catch.)

    Been trying to find a mentor, even joined facebook so i could look lol. As for the ferret finder, yep, allready decided I will get one asap.

    Well, good luck with it, mate.......sorry I can't help you !


    You could do what i did and just take any old mate with you, so you've got another pair of hands and eyes ?


    Cheers mate, yes I will deffo take a mate along if I dont find a mentor by then

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