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Posts posted by Chaff

  1. 40 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

    Probably give that a go when I use this Hanwag wax that was a tenner. Tending to think it's a bit of a con to charge more for same brand of boot care than the boots you might have. 

    It's all about the money tats, I think this stuff is mass produced. Altbergs are used by British Canadian and Germany forces I think, so a lot of boot waxing going on.


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  2. 19 minutes ago, vfr400boy said:

    I would strip and clean carbs then balance , if it's been sat they will be loads better after a clean,  my clutch rattles a bit could be the plates 

    Yeah carbs are coming in tonight kitchen table job, do I need a vacuum gauge bank of 4 mate?

    Clutch seems a common problem but hey 41 years old it's intitled to that I guess.

    Cheers for reply 👍

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  3. 14 hours ago, vfr400boy said:

    Iv had a few 80s Suzuki's and all been sound , still have a 1977 gs750 

    Got a question for you mate or anyone else, just adjusted idle down and seems to have a clutch related rattle ( goes when engaged) also carb balance required what do I need for that job ?

    Cheers in advance lads 


  4. 13 minutes ago, dodger said:

    Normally pheasant farms but once and if I can get down there I want to get into van driving delivering mon-fri..

    Let me ask dodger as I work with some people that teach shooting to the wealthy.

    Worth a try?

    Unless you want a change in career van delivery pays well if you put the hours in I believe mate.

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