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The Ultimate Warn Guide

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As some of you have noticed there is suddenly a Warn-O-Meter attached to the bottom of your member ID bar.




What Is The Warn System?


The warn system comes with the software that runs The Hunting Life. It can be used by administrators and moderators to advise members against current behavioural trends.


Why Is There A Warn System?


Firstly because it's programmed into the forum's software. Secondly because it can be used to gently remind members that they must abide by the forum's rules.


How Does This Effect Me?


The warn bit is pretty self explanatory, in that it's used to warn members to modify their behaviour. The reasons for this are numerous but it usually because of a minor infraction of the forums rules (i.e text talk, being a dick.) It's a polite way of asking you to play nice.


If you're not infringing any of the forums rules, you will receive no warnings. If you are warned then your warn level will increase by increments of 10% each time. If you reach the point of 50-60% then you could see your forum membership terminated.


In severe cases accounts can be suspended for several days and in extreme cases accounts can be immediately deleted.


0% is no warnings.


50%+ is borderline account termination


Do I Get An Explanation As To Why I Was Warned?


Yes you do. When you see that your warn levels has increased, clicking the number (i.e 10%, 20% etc) on the left hand side of the Warn-O-Meter will pop up a menu.


This menu will tell you when you were warned. Why you were warned and who warned you. Depending on the circumstances you may have also received a PM bringing this warning to your attention, from either the administrator or the moderator that gave the warning. If for any reason you cannot log into The Hunting Life then the infraction may have resorted in a suspension or a complete ban.


Can I Have My Warn Level Decreased?


Yes you can but it will depend on the circumstances of each individual case. If the infraction was a one off then the warn will probably removed by event of an apology. If there is a series of infractions and no attempt to modify the cause of the warning then they will not be removed. Several ignored warnings will probably result in an account deletion.


Why Is There Only Me With A Warn-O-Meter?


It's not only you. Everyone has a Warn-O-Meter. You can only see your Warn-O-Meter. Moderators and Administrators can see everyone's Warn-O-Meter and make any adjustments based on individual actions.


Why Are You Telling Us This?


To save on repeated PM's and forum posts inquiring about the warn system. It saves time for all concerned by having this FAQ instead of numerous responses.

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