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Pigeon shooting permission

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I’ve been offered some pigeon shooting permission at the local harbour :) . In order to get a signed, sealed and delivered deal I have to provide a risk assessment as to how its going to be done and how Im going to make it safe when I go. Apparently they had some lads there a while back who shot one of the nearby residents cats :wallbash: and there was an uproar at the time – this is the rationale for having to provide a risk assessment. So, has anyone got any suggestions as to what I should put together to show that I’m safe and trustworthy? Ive put this on two boards to get more responses. Thanks in advance. :yes:

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I’ve been offered some pigeon shooting permission at the local harbour :) . In order to get a signed, sealed and delivered deal I have to provide a risk assessment as to how its going to be done and how Im going to make it safe when I go. Apparently they had some lads there a while back who shot one of the nearby residents cats :wallbash: and there was an uproar at the time – this is the rationale for having to provide a risk assessment. So, has anyone got any suggestions as to what I should put together to show that I’m safe and trustworthy? Ive put this on two boards to get more responses. Thanks in advance. :yes:


Risk assessment did you get any answers, I,m going to work now but thinking you need to be writing no shooting in land only out to sea no shots below x height, mail me back i'll have a better think on it.


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No luck yet :no: Can anyone help me out here?


If you pm me your email I will see if i can forward you our risk assessments for our club so you get an idea whats wanted.

Cant promise but will try to sort it for you tomorrow cos I think I have them on my work computer.

Let us know if you want me to

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I occasionally have to do risk assessment for foreign trips and filming shoots. Make yourself up a template (I think Microsoft Office or Word have things you can use) and think up categories. Copuld be something like


Potential dangers: passers-by pets vehicles protected birds/animals



And under each ehading dscribe the possible danger and how you will avoid it - like, as a previous reply said, only shooting out to sea and only if the sea is clear of boats and non-terget species for xx metres.


Maybe have a box for who you would inform on the day.


good luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Im new to the hunting world. I only just got my gun and been out out a few times, but where i go has not much to shoot at.

Is there any chance some one will let me on their land who has some live game in and around the antrim or the north of Ireland

Edited by irishbob1
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