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About Backfill

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Have a look at his litter sister roxette, rabbit hunter?
  2. N.s was over in the states ,while he was away a border cross got to skip and she had the haggler litter not taking anything away from the dog or litter sis they were a diggings man dream dogs up their with the best but the truth is what it is , when your breeding a line of terriers you want to no the full background to them because what's in their will show fact. And has for jp I haven't spoke to the man in years so not from his mouth but a man who was round when the mating happened fact.
  3. your takin it to the borderrrrrr line now pal
  4. I heard the dogs half mungrel????
  5. I heard the dogs half mungrel????
  6. Was it black bitch to blak dog
  7. Does any one no how d.f haggler was bred??
  8. have got for sale bellman collar and pieps box both in very good con if any one intrested p.m me bf
  9. you learn somethink everyday pablo and has for j.c dog thats all it was a fox dog nothink else, cheers bf
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