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Permission Letter

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Guest buster321c

Dear Sir/ Madam



Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is XXXXXXXX, I am a XX years old air gun hunter living in the XXXXXX area. I am writing to you concerning any pest control problems you may have on your farm and farm buildings.

There are many species of pests including:

Feral Pigeons, in areas close to towns they may use nearby farm buildings and lofts for a night-time roost. Feral's carry lice and their excrement is both toxic and disease ridden including tuberculosis, encephalitis, lyme's disease (pigeon fanciers lung) paratyphoid, ornithosis, toxoplasmosis, and a type of flu all these diseases are potently fatal they also cause untold crop damage.

Rats, which consume and contaminate feed as well as chew through electric cables and nest in the walls of buildings, silos and water tanks. They also carry a pretty nasty disease called weil's disease which is life threatening

Crows and magpies, these animals carry lice and a host of other parasites, they damage the nests of songbirds, by raiding the nests and eating the eggs. Crows have also been known to attack new born lambs.

Rabbits can dig up your paddock causing holes which stock may injure them-selves; they can also bury around the footings of buildings causing them to be unstable. Rabbits have been known to consume considerable portions of feed laid out for stocks in paddocks.

The above list is the more common species but there are also jays, jackdaws, rooks, collard dove, grey squirrel, magpies, mink , and foxes.

I am fully licensed and a responsible shooter, and I would be willing to sign a total disclaimer for any injury that I occur whilst on the property.

I am a courteous, patient and intelligent person by nature, always willing to learn, and follow instructions to the letter. I ask nothing in return for my services other than a continuous right to hunt the property and a friendly wave as I come and go.

I will dispose of all pests off the property and any quality game such as rabbit or pigeon first offered the property owner.

Thank-you for giving me a little of your time, I do apologise to any anti hunters I may have inadvertently sent this letter to ,but rest assured I am doing my best to actively promote safe hunting and removal of pest species.

If you are interested in my services please write to me at the address above , or call me on XXXX XXX XXXX (home) XXXXXXXXXXX (mobile) thank-you, I hope to hear from you soon.







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Guest buster321c

Grant of permission to shoot

for pest & vermin control

On private land

This is to confirm that :-










Have , in the written form of this notice, hereby signed authorised by me, been granted permission to shoot for pest and vermin on land situated at:


Using: Air Rifle / Air rifles



By myself:


Being the rightful and legal *owner/*agent/*tenant of the above-mentioned land.

I am satisfied for this permission to:


( A ) *Last until revoked by me.


( B ) *Expire on:


I understand that Mr xxxxxxxxxxxxx when on my land, will adhere to any rules or restrictions given by me, the landowner mentioned above.























An Agreement Between :






Phone No:__________________________________________






Phone No:__________________________________________



The Landowner agrees to let the Shooter and his/her shooting partners ‘control by shooting’ those pests covered under Schedule II of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, Section 1 of the Pest Control Act 1954, Ground Game Act 1880 etc. until such a time as it is deemed appropriate to withdraw that permission.

The Landowner allows the Shooter access to his/her land at suitable times as not to cause hindrance to the Landowner or livestock.

The boundaries for this activity will be confined to the area(s) defined by the Landowner and indicated by a red line drawn on the map.

In return for the granting of this permission, the Shooter and associates will respect the land and associated buildings the livestock and the crops thereon.

The Shooter and his/her associates will behave in a safe and responsible manner at all times and respect the wishes of the Landowner.


The Landowner takes no responsibility for the actions of the Shooter and associates.

The shooter and associates will endeavour to comply with all legal obligations regarding the use of firearms.

The Landowner accepts no responsibility for their non-compliance with current firearms legislation.

The Shooter and associates will carry appropriate, adequate and up-to-date public liability insurance for their activities.

The Landowner will have no insurance liability in respect of shooting activities and any consequential events arising from such shooting activities as carried out by the Shooter and/or associates.

The undersigned Shooter and associates have the undersigned Landowner’s permission to shoot on the Landowner’s property.

Signed...................................................... (Landowner)

Signed............................................................ (Shooter)

Date : ....../....../..........

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