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Is it a male or female


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you can usually tell by feet size female have larger feet than males but if its flying at 1/13 id say most probably a small female the biggest male iv flew was 1/10 but his best was 1/8 1/2 and that was a big male so id say you got a female

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you can usually tell by feet size female have larger feet than males but if its flying at 1/13 id say most probably a small female the biggest male iv flew was 1/10 but his best was 1/8 1/2 and that was a big male so id say you got a female

you could be right his (her) feet are larger than a freind's male

Edited by welshdog73
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Feet and legs is a massive give away! Broadness of the head and mandible is another. 99.9% of Harris's are fitted with a W - Ring weather they are male or female which is silly really as their legs are no thicker than Gos yet with the Gos's its a standard V - Ring for the males and a W - Ring for the female...


I can now 99% sex my Harris chicks at 3 - 4 days or sometimes less, when you breed a few you get to recognise the obviouse things which stand out, its not rocket science but I suppose practice makes perfect when you've done a few :laugh:....


the way the W - Ring sits on that birds leg should be a huge indicator as to what sex it is too, if there is lots of play its pretty much a male, if its filling the ring with only say a couple of Mil or less play then its pretty much a female....



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  • 3 weeks later...
i recently purchased a 2 year old male (female) Harris it fly's at 1ib 13oz is there any visual way to tell if its a male or female





The simplest answer to a question is usually the correct one (Arkams Razor)


So as huge males are quite rare, expensive, in high demand for breeding and therefore rarely sold




Small females are not uncommon, are worth less to the "biggest is best brigade" and therefore more likely to be sold


I'd therefore put my money on it being a female. If you are not intent on breeding then I wouldn't worry.

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