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Can anyone help me locate a side scope mount for my sportsman 5

i believe parker hale made them many years ago and my local gunsmith

tells me there rare as hens teeth someone might have one laying around fogotten in a cupboard!!

Edited by bruce
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Can anyone help me locate a side scope mount for my sportsman 5

i believe parker hale made them many years ago and my local gunsmith

tells me there rare as hens teeth someone might have one laying around fogotten in a cupboard!!


What a star !! i will phone tomorrow


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  • 11 months later...
Can anyone help me locate a side scope mount for my sportsman 5

i believe parker hale made them many years ago and my local gunsmith

tells me there rare as hens teeth someone might have one laying around fogotten in a cupboard!!



Hi ive got some spare mags for the Sportsman five rifle if you know anyone who might be interested..


enquiries to glenngraham21@yahoo.co.uk

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Can anyone help me locate a side scope mount for my sportsman 5

i believe parker hale made them many years ago and my local gunsmith

tells me there rare as hens teeth someone might have one laying around fogotten in a cupboard!!



Hi ive got some spare mags for the Sportsman five rifle if you know anyone who might be interested..


enquiries to glenngraham21@yahoo.co.uk


email sent :)

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