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Hi all


Fairly new to long netting and would like some advice. I have noticed some people use 100% bagging on their nets and others use 50%


Just wondered if it actually makes a difference and do you need a different type of net for different bagging requirements?



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Every one will tell you that a net rigged by halves, half it's stretched length (100% bag) will out catch a net rigged by 2/3rds of it's stretched length (50% bag).


To be honest I always rig mine by half. Yet nets rigged by 2/3rds have been catching rabbits for a long time. Where the net rigged by half scores is when a couple of rabbits are caught, there is still plenty of slack left in the net. I think that with the net rigged by 2/3rds mesh size proportionate to the size of rabbit being targeted is more important. As the net relies more on the rabbit getting it's head through a mesh to catch, as opposed to the tangling action with a net rigged by halves.


The main reason for the 2/3rd rig, is money plain and simple. They are cheaper to make and can be sold at a premium to the unsuspecting.



Edited by tiercel
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