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Tawny chickened out

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tawny chickend out today, :icon_eek::whistling:


we was meant to meet up up at 6am for a fishing competetion i traveled 150 miles to find out he wasnt there.

any way wasnt a bad days fishing we caught pout, pollock, dogfish, plaice, flounder, and a few cod. :thumbs:

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tawny chickend out today, :icon_eek::whistling:


we was meant to meet up up at 6am for a fishing competetion i traveled 150 miles to find out he wasnt there.

any way wasnt a bad days fishing we caught pout, pollock, dogfish, plaice, flounder, and a few cod. :thumbs:

well,well here we go then airgunner,and your right i had no intention to turn up mate.

and im glad you had to come 150 miles and no one to fish against at the end off your trip

£600 bet be f****d :clapper:

all this is about a post someone put on here about fishing one of our local spots,and has it turned out

a good bag was had.

so silly bollocks,air gunner had to have a pop at the sise of some off the flat fish.

all over 11",and like i said,and say again it sounds like you dont know what your talking about.

so then the silly twat says "i bet you can catch more than you " ? ok then maybe you can mate

and to be honest i realy dont give a f**k mate,if you can catch more than,me or your rods bigger than mine mate

i realydont give two monkys fucks about you or anyone else mate.



when me and the boys go out fishing we do have a bet, and it a £1 per man and thats all not the £600

you wanted maybe i should have turned up ?

odds on i would have had that money,fishing a mark,mylocal spot like i know like the back of my hand mate

and have fished for 30 years now,but i thought id let you off.


so you did well then did you ?

you had a few codling and flounders, and a few pout well done then thats the mainstay i'd say at the moment

with the odd conger and silver eels ,

but you also had pollack and place :clapper::clapper: that says it all mate dont get them between the two bridges,

unless your one of the luky ones who might get the odd stray up that way,whitch confirms what i thought mate

you dont know what your talking about.


like i told you mate ive got nothing to prove to you, and iff you think putting that post on here

have in some way made me look a tit then so be it,but to me its like water off a ducks back spudgunner,

like i said i dont give a f**k.


what realy makes me laugh is the fact that the best rods in devon had to come all this way to catch a few fish :clapper:

the pics put up in that post got you going did'ent it


anyway tight lines airman

and bythe way were going wednesday night iff you like to come better tide than saterdays :feck:

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what a load of rubbish tawny. :nea:


sounds to me like youve just spat your dummy out your pram so put it back in your mouth and shut up.

getting a bit touchy aswell arnt ya. you need to learn to stick to your words and stop hiding behind mummy.


and by the way go salk in the corner next time tawny :air_kiss: :11:

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what a load of rubbish tawny. :nea:


sounds to me like youve just spat your dummy out your pram so put it back in your mouth and shut up.

getting a bit touchy aswell arnt ya. you need to learn to stick to your words and stop hiding behind mummy.


and by the way go salk in the corner next time tawny :air_kiss: :11:

not rubbish at all mate .

and i aint got to hide behind anyone or sulk,why would i ? no need to like i said mate,i had

no intention to turn up, i fish because i like fishing ,dont fish because someone from the

other side of the country whants to try to beat me.

so iff you still whant to go on about it do it via pm airgunner

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tawny chickend out today, :icon_eek::whistling:


we was meant to meet up up at 6am for a fishing competetion i traveled 150 miles to find out he wasnt there.

any way wasnt a bad days fishing we caught pout, pollock, dogfish, plaice, flounder, and a few cod. :thumbs:

sounds like you had a good day.what shore mark was you fishing mate..? pm me iff you like.plaice .pollock and cod from the same mark at this time of year thats some feat you have achieved,one i have never achieved,well done :thumbs:
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