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Not the best vet Mac but had a point. Chances are there's a dead pup or some afterbirth still in there. Can rumble on for ages and then build up to a level of infection that will kill your bitch.


The antibiotics your bitch has had are unlikely to have solved it but just reduced the infection to a level you can't see.


IMO you need a second opinion from a better vet. How you find a better vet I don't know.

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Man, you guys do need better vets over there LOL..sounds like a possible "Open pyometria" you can clear it with antibotics but if you plan on breeding her I would do it sooner then later because if she closes her cervix and it is a pyometria it can kill her, IF it is a pyo, one of the factors about pyo, IF it is a pyo, is that there are some hormonal factors possible and can tend to run in a family line, but not all the time.

If it is a basic infection(like a psudo, or micro), if they didnt culture it and just gave you a broad spectrum antibotic it might not have been suited for the type of bacteria she has, I would ask the vet to culture the infection for a proper diagnosis. All hope isnt lost but you dont want to wait and see, with a some uterine infections they can become deadly. :D:(

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