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Trap opening dogs !

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Had a moan from a neighbour about seeing a rat at the back of her garden during the week so I ran the ferrets through the ditch last night to see if anything popped it's head up thankfully nothing showed. It played on my mind last nite so this morning set up the live trap baited with a few dog nuts and smeared with peanut butter on the ditch where the two houses meet. Three hours later I'm on the phone when said neighbour is banging on my front door so I just give her the "two minutes" sign and point to the phone. She keeps knocking !!! I hang up and swing open the door about to begin a tirade of abuse when she blurts " your dogs are out the back swinging something around and there's a lot of squealing ", legged it around the back and this is what I found :

Trap pulled down off wall and battered open













One very happy doggy !!!!!

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Thing is, Finny, whilst ye seem to be taking that rather lightly, I find it an absolute pain in the arse, myself.


I'm being constantly invaded by rats from a neigbouring property area and, obviously, have to wipe them out as they get here. I too would like to run traps, as well as my battery of Bait Stations. But my Bloody Dogs ....!


I've found there's just next to nothing I can do with them. I set traps and they're generally fine and ignored. But catch something?! :icon_eek: Kiss the whole shebang goodbye! My lot will pile in there and decimate the area! Trap, set, rat, half the bloody surroundings, all ripped up and torn to pieces! It gets on my bloody nerves!


Anyway, I was down one of the hardware stores yesterday, making some enquiries, after pondering this problem over a quiet Gunness. I reckon I'm on the path to something good here now! I'll catch / poison rats on my own ground and the Dogs won't be able to interfere.


Watch this space in a week or two ;)

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Ditch I knew you wouldn't be able to resist a reply ! I admit I did see the lighter side of it and couldn't resist a smile at the look on the dogs faces, I'll have to get down to business now though. I reckon they're coming from a garden 3 doors away it's a rented property and let's just say they're not the cleanest of tennants. I reckon that as they don't have any pets/kids it would be okay for me to put a little poison down in a few likely spots , I would ask them for permission but unfortunately I don't speak/understand whatever lingo they spout ! Could ask the landlord but don't see him that often and let's face it the quicker I tackle it the better ! Any opinions welcomed :signthankspin:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:hmm: God, that's a tricky one, mate. Before I try to answer though, I must just tell ye this!


Round the back of my cottage I've got a Rat Box and a 'Snappa' mouse trap box. They've both been there for ever and have long since stopped getting any attention. Just sat there, tucked in against the wall for a twelve month now.


So, I answers this post and reads a bit more. Then I decide to go out and get back on with my back roof. Lo and bloody behold! There's the Snappa box laying in the ditch, a yard from where I'd left it! :icon_eek: I shit ye not! Just as if she'd been eading what I was saying here, Small Dog has gone and checked my boxes and found a freshly caught customer in one!


Credit to these great little boxes that all she could do was bat it around a bit. Couldn't open it or break it. Bloody great, full adult House Mouse it was. Interesting because most of mine are Woodies, on the outside. Now I know, I'l step up my internal trapping again for the duration. Must have beem me lighting the range this last week ~ though right now, I'm baking in my shirt on that roof out there! Leitrim's roasting today!



Anyway, ye near neighbours from afar? Call the Council, mate. Only practical solution. They'll likely send some retained monkeys round there to litter the place with bait and wipe out much of what moves. That's been my own experience in Leitrim, anyway.


If it were england, they'd send an interprator to appologise most effusively for the conditions under which the dirty b*stards have 'Been forced to live' and would rush them off to a nice hotel while they at least sent someone with a f*cking clue in there to clean up the pests, then the mess.


But that's ye best bet, mate. You're experiencing a micro cosmic taste of what I'm having here, with the Rat Rancher living up the ditch from me. Wasting ye time trying to stop the over spill. They need tackling at source. For the good and good health of the entire damn neighbourhood.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just curious as I have never used poison, but how soon after ingesting the stuff does the rat die? any chance of a dog getting a hold of a rat in the process of dying and chomping it open and getting poisoned himself? And if not coming across a rat in the throes of death, what do you do to keep the dogs out of the poison pile? I could take my dogs to some pretty industrial areas, but I've always been cautious because of the wide use of poisons in those settings. thanks fellas

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