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Smk Xs78 Or Ags Pcr 1?

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Remember the bolts holding the smk together are monky metal like cheese there that soft but u can get new stainless steel strong bolt kits for the 79/78


If u get a 79 and then buy hpa gurilla air thank 13 ce one it has a reg fitted to the buddy bottle that only allows 850 psi in to the smk any more and I think it will blow up in your face but people have done it to 1000 psi but is not recommend


So all u do is buy the smk 79 change ever single screw and bold to some propa metal ones change the bottle and u have a pcp


I work with high pressure at work I pressure test pipe work and believe me if a bolt flew out of that smk at 850 psi and hit you you would know about it I have had 4 smk's and there's blokes out there that can turn them from a pile of shit to somthing very good but I got sick of stripping and polishing parts and vavles poping on me I even paid good money for a work of art but at the end of the day it's still a f***ing pile of shit and it takes a lot of time to keep them performing like a good rifle I got that pissed off when my last smk vavle blew I brought a BSA super 10 and never looked at another smk again


Jmo mate they can be good to shoot and good for hunting but if u want a rifle to go out with every day and it to work get a better one dude

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