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First run out for the foxcalluk

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i would agree with most of that bud,apart from the fact that most shoot deer for sport,they also damage the crops and are in some places in quite high numbers(i had 15 fallow in the lamp the other night).

MOST of us will shoot for the sport(probably95% of us do not do it as a job but as a "hobby" for want of a better word). we shoot because we enjoy it and there is a valid reason for doing so,that is certainly the case with me and most of the lads i know.



I agree with your comment 100%,but as we all know, deer stalking is big bucks (no pun intended MONEY), so most deer are shot for sport on big estates, so if deer are causing trouble with crops... kill 2 birds with one stone Shoot the deer but get paid from someone to let them do it, thats the way it works, unless you have private land which you have permission to shoot deer, even when they are having a cull to maintain the health of the heard, they normally have set days for stalking for the paying punter, the keeper or stalker is always tere and he will tell you which one to take.


Listen lads lets not kid our selves how many of us earn a weekly wage from shooting, lamping, digging, fox's?

How many are on a weekly wage from the land owner who's land you hunt on?

if you are like me 70% of the land I run on I poach, and the other 30% is permission and the land owner doesn't pay me, if the truth be known we would all pay them to carry on partaking in our chosen SPORT.

Whats the going rate from a farmer nowadays £10 £20 £100 a fox? at £10 each you would need 50 a week to draw a decent wage and £100 a fox every man woman and child would be out shooting,digging and lamping them what would we all do then? when they have run out just like the buffalo in America nearly did.

The idea is to preserve our quarry while at the same time manage the numbers to a sustainable level so every one who likes our chosen SPORT can carry on enjoying it.

All I'm saying is we need to give our quarry a chance to recuperate during the summer months. You all talk about humanely dispatching them. At this time of the year what about the cubs that will now starve to death?

Does the farmer need to know if you have shot and killed every fox on his land? get switch on boys tell him what he wants to hear but you need to protect your land and permission. what happens then when he no longer needs your service because you have wiped them out. If you love the sport as much as I do you will be managing them not wiping them out. My son hunts and hopefully my Grandson will be on the same permission I have had for the last 25 years that is all I'm saying I respect all your comments all I'm saying is it will not need baning if you carry on cos no f*****g fox's will be left for us to just like the Romans and Christians they had to call that sport off in the end.


All the best JDP

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