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First the judge will call out the breed etc, when you take ur dog in they normally call you out to check the dog over and ask a few questions they then ask u to walk a short distance then walk back into the line up and when he/she have fininshed checking all the dogs they pick 3 dogs out for 1st etc.

And if you have a 1st you then go into the lineup for supreme champion against all the other winners.

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So its like a kennel club show , sorry im meaning a game fair thing? or is it the same ? sorry i should have explained it better,


unlike a kennel club show people mix and chat and have a good friendly time they go to socialise more than show


if it's a game fair then the site will have game stalls ie fishing shooting hunting stuff and main ring displays like flyfishing, stalking, ferreting, gundog and hawking displays then there will be a lurcher terrier and family dog show, the terriers will be judged in classes alike so puppies, russell type and smooth or rough coat, patterdale/fell type lakeland type border type etc and 'other' sometimes xbreed too (yey!) under 13.5", best entered - this is not best dog entered in the show it's dog that has entered a fox or rabbit hole or 'gone to ground' sometimes best working dog too, the dog ideally should be spannable -the chest should be small enough to go down a hole, you enter as you go into the ring usually £1 class championship free, docking laws sometimes apply


if your russell in your sig is fairly quick you can test it in the terrier racing or if you go to a show that kev and debs (nighthunter on here)are doing the activities then you get a go at coursing, hurdles and long jump -the record cleared so far is 10'


find a show near you and go have a look see

Edited by flossiedrops
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