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Posts posted by Williampalmer

  1. One of my permissions has the river meon running through it, 2 months ago the majority of rabbits were in a thick wood next to the river on the low ground, 4ft high brambles carpeted the wood so couldn't get at them, now the river has flooded they've all moved up into some high banks about 200 yards from the river and wood, nice open easy warrens no cover for them but they've got to go somewhere, been doing really well on it lately.





    You say you've. "Trained" that mink , you havnt lol , it's just doing what comes naturally to it , running around in a muddy ditch chasing anything it sees, then when it finally does make a kill you put the carry box next to it and it takes it inside then you pretend you've thought it to do that haha, that isn't training, get your head out of your ass minkenry

    Really, lets see you do it then. You go catch a mink, "train" it to run around in a muddy ditch chasing anything it sees, then get it to put what it catches in a box. Heck, I challenge you to do that with ANY non ferret!


    When you're done, make a video and show us what you've done. I'd bet a fair sum of money you couldn't even get a mink to let you hold it bare handed, and that's the easy part.


    Talks cheep buddy, let's see what you can do!


    Oh, and when you're done with that, lets see you train a mink to go in a chicken coop, ignore the squaking chickens, kill a rat, then drag it out and put it in it's box. Watch this video...




    Talks cheap buddy. Let's see what you can do!

    where's all the chickens? And no I wouldn't even consider training one of them dirty things, rather watch a couple of terriers rag the f**k out of it ;)
  3. You say you've. "Trained" that mink , you havnt lol , it's just doing what comes naturally to it , running around in a muddy ditch chasing anything it sees, then when it finally does make a kill you put the carry box next to it and it takes it inside then you pretend you've thought it to do that haha, that isn't training, get your head out of your ass minkenry

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  4. For all of you youngsters I'd like to give a bit of advice on gaining your own permissions, when I was a youngster I was lucky enough to have been given loads of permissions which were already gained by my family, although it was great I also wanted my own places, so I set about finding some, I must have knocked on twenty doors before someone said yes, but once I had one I would mention that farmers name every time I knocked a new door, most of the time if there's farms in the same area the farmer or land owners will know each other and when you mention there names to each other they will more than likely give you the permission just for the simple fact that they will have known each other for a long time and trust one an others judgement, I have gained countless permissions like this as Iv grown up and now all in I have about 40000 acres, the message inherently is, when you get one, from that you will get more, it worked for me, so keep knocking and in the end it will happen, remember to dress smart and be polite, don't stand at the door with your hands in your pockets and your hood up, and if they say "come back in a few years when your older" do exactly that. Remember you've got to convince them that your trustworthy and know what your doing, good luck :) hope this helps some of you, it worked for me.

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