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Posts posted by whenthemoongoesdown

  1. I will post some photographs later when I am back home , I would just like to take this opportunity to tell you about the night Astanleys dog , Max , beat Kat fayr and square , mind you it was a pleasure to lose to such a good dog and a proper gentleman , Astanley is a font of wisdom he has knowledge and know how most can only dream of it was a privilege to spend time in his company , truly the greatest man I have ever met .

    • Like 1
  2. its has to be an area thing,

    down here no one would look at you for jogging a dog next to a horse,neither would they look at you for walking along the roadside with a rabbit and a lurcher in your hands,

    most farmers are happy to see you catching as they word it fury animals on there land,


    but then theres not lots of gentleman farmers there farmers who have been passed land down through generations,

    lurcher owners main problem is syndicates they push the bad press about lurchers and there owners from what ive experienced,


    i really cant understand the mentality of the land owners over on the east coast they must of been persicuted over the yrs by lurcher lads,but wouldnt it be better to give a few permission to run there dogs surely they would police it and keep the drivers and the small number of silly lurcher owners of the land?

    • Like 1
  3. The antis and the authorities are on a loosing battle focusing on the hunts. So there putting all the resources into coursing. The hunts have stuck together and fought the ban and I think they've won. But coursing well there's been no comradeship no support for fellow hunting enthusiastic s we haven't stuck together hence the police and antis.

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  4. Iam taking my granddaughter out a lot lately early nights and all and i seem to be doing double shifts,lol

    she loves runing the pups and watching them i hope she carrys on with lurchers for yrs to come heres a picture a month ago an hrs lamping before bed time











    • Like 1
  5. Had a few

    lost a lot of mates,

    but similar to mik the same thing happened while i was in p n g back in the mid 80 s the local went on strike over about 50p a week in there packets which they got there wages on a friday and pay slips on a monday,


    they wanted to kill the wages clerk head man surrounded the cabin,this is the middle of nowhhere a place called kundiawa 1 dirty copper about 5 foot tall thoushands of locals with knifes and tribes,

    we where armed and had body guards,they didnt want me they wanted to eat brian,


    any way man behind me had a 90 degree reinforced steel bar put through his skull,

    no way that scared me i started to panic a bit then a black van pulls up from no where about 10 massive black fellas jump out with guns,

    one comes over to my guard and asked who the trouble maker was he pointed him out

    then he went over to him with a sawn of gun and shot him dead,


    he then pulled his body into the van a few words muttered and they all went back to work,


    so on that note the hunting life isnt that scarey,lol

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  6. the real fraudsters are the government,look at a lot of the muppets who work for them jobs worths with tunnel vision,

    runing a car today is scandelous,runing a house is the same no one does anything people are only interested in lining there own pockets and i see enough of them,

    But again why should i care?

    suppose cause ive got children and grandchildren and its not in my nature to be quiet about something iam pasionate about,

    nothing will ever change so just look after nu 1 and the ones around you stuff the rest the government does

    • Like 1
  7. The only people who should be prosecuted for fraud are the government and utilities company's there fee structures are scandalous. How do they expect a person to live on £37 per week when solicitors are charging out at £220 per hr. I've said it before this country has gone to the dogs. Literally.

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