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Posts posted by tornado

  1. Aw thats terrible mate, I really hope they are found. Why not add them to doglost.co.uk? Its a great site and they help lots of dogs get found. Anythings worth a try. I HATE scum like this.

  2. i take it when you lost all your stock in your yard one of your 'handle' dogs got loose? Not a good sign IMO. You need to take more care when you own dogs like this. That must have been awful for the stock you lost.


    Anyways I agree, local shows etc you will find some good info there and also previous posts. Good luck in your findings :D

  3. Awesome little dog mate.


    Cooked chicken is a no no in a dogs diet. cookng it takes out all the nutrition. Youd be better feeding raw. You can get the raw stuff from Pets at home or if you have a butcher close to home ask about the carcasses there. Martins diet sounds great, try the pup on this and you will see the benefits ;) Just make sure you watch him with the bones to start with. When they are raw they are a lot easier to digest but its still worth the watching. Good luck with him mate :clapper:

  4. my first time was when I was about 15, started seeing this boy whos dad had loads of ferrets/birds and dogs. I had gotten two hob kits off them and they were my babies! spoilt rotten. They were going out ferreting so I decided to join them, and the babies (well they were a year old by this time!) came with us.

    So off we went, ferrets and nets. Once the holes we found were all netted up they put their HUGE hob down the hole. I didnt know what to expect and got a bit of a fright when I heard what they called the thunder. Then out they came! Rabbits everywhere. It was great, all them nets filled up with podgy rabbits! I soon learned how to kill the rabbits and for someone who worked in a veterinary practice at the weekends, I quite enjoyed it, and never looked back. Put the youngsters down for a little while but I wasnt keen so grabbed them back lol! It was a great experience. I fell in love with the whole thing, ferreting, shooting, coursing. Its an amazing thing.

  5. What a shame!! The police are getting ridiculous down south! You should see the dogs running loose up here and they cops drive by them!! I hope the owner gets something done about this. I would be fuming! RIP Freya :(

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