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Posts posted by n1ghtfire

  1. Afternoon all, have read through a good few posts on here and have learnt a lot about this site and you guys. Loving the banter mostly, so I'm looking forward to spending more time on here asking stupid questions and reading sarcastic answers.

    I'm Stu, I'm 37 and live in Southampton....seeking permissions obviously and local clubs to join. Recently bought a Daystate Target (I prefer Panther) with Hawke Panorama....yes I'm the 'all the gear, no idea' guy. To be fair I've just returned to the hobby after leaving it as such in my early 20s. Looking forward to making some new acquaintance and getting up to date with my knowledge.

    My main motivation, initially, was my pythons. I need food! After six months or so of research and saving tho, I've got the bug again. I just want to get out n shoot and feel that buzz again.

    If you've got a garden big enough I'm you're man, even if we just shoot coke cans!

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