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Posts posted by jembo

  1. I am always getting funny looks especially when i go into a supermarket, i am always dressed in either riding stuff, cammos, or stuff i wear on building sites! I really could not careless, ok some days i drag a bit of mud around or bits of trees stuck in my hair, but i refuse to go home and change just to look the part to go shopping! lol

  2. Its the other way round here! The OH is always saying I spend too much time with the dogs, walking, mooching around, ferreting, lamping and then cover the kitchen in dead wildlife! Oh well, its just what i do, cant change that!

  3. Good luck to her! It can be done on a shoe string, if she has the guts it will see her through!



    It CAN'T be done on a shoestring !!! It's a rich persons sport !! Don't believe the hype !! These people are no more "Travellers" than you or me !!!




    I dont agree with that! I got through to the nationals in team chasing, ok its not badminton but i did not have all the kit or the smart lorry to turn up to events in. Our team got a local sponsor to pay entry fees and travel costs etc.. i paid peanuts for a horse that no one wanted or could ride and put in a lot of blood sweat and tears and made it happen.


    I only gave up after been airlifted to hospital and i lost my nerve. 10 years on, i have just bought another horse for meat money that is showing great promise to do big things in a year or 2.

  4. I used to get them once a week, had some reiki done last year and now get them once every couple of months.

    I have to take some pain killers and turn off all lights and sleep, that is the only thing that gets rid of them.


    If i dont sleep i am in real pain, and am usually sick, with the usual double vision. I hate migraines!!

  5. I would like to see better wiring, or at least more accessible. The bulb access is also important. The shell of the lamp seems so vulnerable being a rigid plastic. The coiled cable could be better as if it gets caught and twisted it tends to pull out the connectors.


    Would be very interested to see what you come up with!

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