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Posts posted by alex.s

  1. Not trying to be funny but the way you were going on at first I thought you had a few month old pup on your hands. You've bought an 18 month old dog and by the sounds of it you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a saluki x and a bull x. It's caught you a few rabbits and you seem to be getting on alright with it....I don't really get what your on here moaning about ? You were happy with the dog and didn't know any better until this lad told you it wasn't what you were told. Might just be me but I really don't know what your moaning about


    recall mate once he has got the rabbit ive got no chance of getting him back!! he ran out across two feilds n across the road n just sat there so unless you like your dog running off everytime he gets a rabbit thats what im moaning about :thumbs: so i was seeing what you be best way to sort this out as i think missing this season out n just everyday working on recall would be best! thats all

  2. big cat, but according to the goverment they dont exsisted.


    FCUKIN DO!!! me mates jack russel ran of into a tree line a few years ago and we both saw sumit big n black ( big cat shape) so we got the dog and done one we dint say anything and his mother come back after a walk a few days later and said she saw the same thing up close!!!

  3. well im starting from scrach with my dog mate and he pulls like a rhino on the lead i tend to just pull him back fairly hard and tell him heel and once he has done it for a while i unclip the lead and tell him again heel and if he dont do it its back on the lead hes getting better at it now thats just a way i thought of might be rong in some peoples eyes but it seems to work for me

  4. well i figure he is what he is im not to fussed about his breeding like that but would be nice to no and the lad who had the litter was selling them as saluki bull grey but they aint lol i know the the father to my dog was a right c**t for sheep ran across 4 feilds to get at one sheep so at least he aint that bad i know he sh!t scared of cows he walked up to some on the dartmoor and the cow mooed at him and he was gone lol was funny as he is a good dog anydog goes for him and hes gone ideal with kids its just when im out lamping its embracesing i hate going out with other lads as there dogs come back and mine is other end of the feild sniffing around n i dont wanna shout his name as might aswell go home after that but its a real shame if i had from a pup he would be a different dog im just going to try my best. i cant even get another pup as im renting my house and the landlord will only have one dog n the girlfriend would kick me out sooner then the dog lol

  5. despite mixed breeding could turn out a minta mate , depends what you want from the dog i suppose ,looks a bit of a lump for bunnys tho , just my opinion of course , does it have any basics ? Such as recall etc?


    hes alrite on bunnys mate although i have seen him run over the top of them lol but he can turn fairly well for his size better turning them a pal of mines dog who is the same size and yeah he will sit lie down come back on a walk but not when lamping ive tryed treats but he aint intrested in them when hes out

  6. well the lad i know hes on here but on a ban at the mo south hams hunter ive gone out with him a few times and he worked out where i got me dog from and he nose that crowd n he was saying its sumit like grey x wippet x collie x bull x saluki x deerhound back to wippet x grey saluki back to bull grey ect ect ect the lads who bred him are ment to be propa muppits!!!! i know i will be doing my homework on my next one and he will be a pup whatever i get next lol

  7. well he will come back on a normal walk not a problem once called hes there but as soon as he as a rabbit in is mouth he dose one got no chance of getting him back got to chase the prick round n dive on him iwould be funny as to watch but im getting rather board of that sh!t now lol ive tryed kneeling down and calling him nicely and no chance ive tryed steern but no i end up loosing my rag and giving him fcuk witch once i get close he tends to stay still n lie there n try n make me feel sorry for him lol

  8. well someone has been on my permission with a shot gun n left one of the cows with a huge cut down the side 330 pound to stitch the cow back up n the farmer called me askin who id been up there with but its non of my lads luckly im mates with him and he belives me but if the farmer dint know me like that then it could be very different he wants this fellas head!!

  9. i have found out that the lad i got me dog from is a right tool the dad to my dog was only 8 months old when bred and the mother was 8 years old and i have found out that he is not a saluki bull grey the lad i know says it would be easyer to name the running dogs he aint got in him grate aint it!! advise for anyone buying there first lurcher make sure you talk to people that know about this breed and try and get your dog of someone that is known as i dint have a clue about any of this when i first got him but never mind ive got him now and can only do my best!! n if anyone reads this that i have spoken to them before about the PRICK im starting from the start with him again missing this season out and hopefully have many more good seasons

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