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Posts posted by whisperingeye

  1. a proper dog will not be spoilt on rabbits,

    but theres proper dogs and theres real proper dogs :laugh: i got dogs that if the ban was ever lifted would catch hares anywhere in reason and go out on the lamp 5 nights a week on average but if you are saying....you want a saturated coursing dog with a lot of saluki in it to catch you lamped rabbits in numbers and also use him on daytime will it be ok to do both,well the answer is proberly no,as the breeding isnt right, :thumbs:

  2. do i really need a specialist in the feild?


    ill speak to clive and ask him for his adivce see if he suggests a normal barrister, im still really confused and not quite sure what to do, never been arrested before...


    its all a nightmare to be honest....


    look listen please dont bother with clive he will take your money like any other mod day dick turpin go straight to the best solicitor and strike while the iron is hot

    • Like 1
  3. I shared my night with you and you talk to me like a prick , and how the f**k can you say 4 minutes is bullshit . There is patches of cover and ferns everywhere when the dog is chasing it in and out it can happen . End of the day this is my first year hunting . Im done with this site too many idiots who like to try and belittle people .

    Later dickheads

    well said young man dont let them get to you just keep the storeys coming and let the people who like reading them enjoy them,youve had a lot ofviews on your topic and only a few negative replies that shows a lot like your topic,

  4. Not good,

    clive rees forget about him just go see a good solicitor you will get furthor,

    also josy asked you was you arrested????

    and what did the warrant say?

    where your dogs taken for a certain reason?as it must of said on the paper work as they had to have something to come in your house and take your dogs,just reread it it looks like they are saying you are working your dogs while sore?

    at no point admit f**k all to them and i mean nothing,

    you wont see your dogs for a while if at all but you will need everything sorted all your paper work your permission where you work your dogs etc etc its going to be a long winded process good luck keep going,surely theres people on the site who can help you,

  5. my ex hated dogs ..hes gone but dogs still here ..when left ireland with all i could take with me i made my bro drive me over in a van so could take dogs wasnt leaving them..now started chemo and docs and leaflets telling me dogs could be cause of an an infection for me and not to touch them..but they are staying can get more germs handling money i reckon. :yes:

    good luck with the chemo and god bless,

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