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Posts posted by ferretguy12345

  1. Put it this way thats kyle awrite not me, my names andrew i stay in tullibody, i run a pest control business with kyle, whos mad about xs, and hes awrite lad just have a few wires loose, i will remove myself from this site since you obviously think otherwise, but just one thing before i go, i know a lot about ferrets. One im against leaving them in season, 2 i gave up some ferrets to give time for handling my new jill, as im fond of them, and this is the correct thing to do, as unfare for my other ferrets, not to get worked and not get handled. They went to goood working home. Also its ridiculous to say i get it from a book what i know about ferrets, at least itook the time out before i got ferrets to learn about them, this is ridiculous.

  2. i dont understand what hes on bout but aye agreed, ferrets are domesticated for a reason cause they are mans best friend when it comes to flushing rabbits from their warrens. The introduction of the EU to the domestication lines of normal ferrets destroys it, you end up making them wild again. Dont mess with what doesnt need messed with.

  3. boring, the programme was about how the ferrets help them through the emotional struggles of life, they were n ot harming the ferrets, spend there oen cash thats good, they can get congrats for that, now...... case closed, topic over........now lets start somthing not so boring.

  4. I am myself disgusted with breeding pure wild euopeans into the domesticated lines of ferrets, we humans have a perfectly good worker and companion in the domesticated ferret. Why? destroy thousands of years of domestication by starting off the wheel again. I myself do have a pure european jill, parents were supposedly wild, and they looked it,their owner handled them with a welding glove and said he could not work them, as they would run. I dont see the point in this, but i love europeans and gave it a bash and have been rewarded with lots of handling with a tame jill. But im not breeding her with other ferrets as they are unpredictable and just end up with unpredictable lives stuck in a small dark hutch. If i do breed her it will be with another euro and i would already have homes, experienced ones for my kits.

  5. I take all the precautions to cover my resposibilities as a pet owner be it a ferret, a dog or cat. I have not experienced the sad loss of a jill due to leaving my jill in season and never will, as i dont risk it. I have seen my dad loose jills and he still goes by his experience, and my mates have lost jills due to being left in season. Its simple really i got a ferret but before i did so i read up about them and talked to people about them, i learned that leaving them in season has its consequences, usually death. So in my ten years of little experience, i have never lost a jill yet at all, my first jills still here.

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