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Posts posted by BrianSteven72

  1. 23 hours ago, Rickshaw swami said:

    Sorry for the quality of this picture.My father shot this with a bow.Then we pulled the string and came right to us at which point I harpooned him(mop handle with broadhead attached) It was attached to a rope with a big ball on end.We chased him down pulled him in on the rope with him kicking and screaming like a toddler tantrum.22 pistol point blank.He measured 12ft4.We sold him to pay for our trip and kept the head mount.


    Brilliant , I'd love a go at that ?

  2. 7 hours ago, MR RABBIT said:

    Is that only 106 or 104 ,,, phaaa where those puppies ???? ??? Broke ur heart when vixen and Jess got 110 couple weeks later and I'll Amit Jess wasn't fit only took 5 hours ,,,then season later I can't remember 118 or 128 in 5 hours( drinking bovril and smoking roll ups putting the world to rest ect feck lamping ) ,,,,,with vixen (good dog ) ......but got invited out again this season to beat that as us guys where never serious on numbers but I declined as why bother ,,where do we stop ??? 200???? 300 ??? 

    Thats the' difference between me and you , its all about numbers for you and for me its just about having a good nigh lol

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  3. 15 minutes ago, MR RABBIT said:

    Yeah we never got much luck way weather,,,u probably not remember but I'll ask 

    Do u remember half way threw a night when we met up threw the night

    I said Jess hasn't missed any and u said neither has tag and we were having a decent night ,,,then Jess missed her next couple ,,,although it was dark and u were a feild away I could see u grinning like Cheshire cat lol

    Lol I can' remember that ?

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