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Posts posted by terrierman74

  1. Thanks for the suggestions guys. The bag balm has really worked wonders in the very short time using it. The scabs are falling away and the dry spots are looking well moisturized (and not from olay Paul 7, lol) so far. I realize it's only been a day or 2 but the I'm very pleased with the results so far. The toughest part is stopping her and him from licking it off.


    Skycat - their diet consist of a high quality grain free kibble, venison, fish occasionally, lean scraps of meat/veggies and whatever else they eat when I'm not watching. their kibble contains zinc proteinate and zinc sulfate...how much is actually metabolized is a mystery to me though. I'm going to research a little deeper into the zinc def subject.


    Thanks again for the suggestions. :thumbs:

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  2. My little terrier bitch has a problem with cracks and scabs in all the creases of her pads particularily in the toe folds. Her feet seem terribly dry as well. Has anyone ever encountered this issue and how did you remedy it? My vet doesn't have a clue...I bought medicated bag balm and am going to give it a go.


    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  3. smileforthecamera.jpg


    Not quite at their peak but here's a pic of my two with their second groundhog. Just a young one and so are they...not quite a year of age in this pic. They'll be 10 yrs next month and still going strong as ever.

    you got some great pups there terrierman , if you got 2 pups that can kill any size g-hog ,not get dirty in the process ? no blood or wounds on them or the hog, is that a 17 bullet hole in the chest ??????????


    Lol...no that's not a 17 wound in it's chest. They didn't work this hog underground, rather caught him away from it's burrow. The little white dog took 2 nips but the male's a natural. She's better on smaller rodents and he'll tackle almost anything. I have a video of them dispatching this hog....she'll back off twice when she's nipped. I dubbed music over the actual sounds of the tussel so people wouldn't react to her yelps. lol


  4. I have a 95K .22 and a 77 .22 and they're both fine rifles. The 95 has a Vortek kit is putting out 16-17 ft lbs with FTT, and the 77 with a JM kit doing the same give or take a ft lb. Both amazingly accurate and don't think I could part with either. I don't think you can make a wrong choice on this one bud. :)

  5. That's about right with the velocity, that's a shade over 20ft-lbs.


    If you want a springer on ticket the best one to get is the diana 48 or 52, or the 54 if you can find one. They're a country mile better than any of the others. I had a 52 .22 on ticket years back that gave 32 using Crosman Premiers and the recoil was less than most sub 12 guns. Cracking rifles :thumbs:



    I owned a 54 (pre RWS) for a while in .177 and sold it in 09 and really wish I hadn't. Everytime I think of it I could kick myself in the rear then bury my head in the sand. I've had my eye open for another for a while with no luck.


    I agree, they're definately a great gun. :)

  6. Considering 579 FPS is 11.4 Ft/lbs, 810 seems more than a bit low for a .22 FAC Patriot. They could deliver well over 20 up to 30ft/lbs when they were new or well tuned and run-in.


    It's an elderly gun now, from the great heyday of Webley & Scot. This one sounds like it's definately in need of an overhaul. I had one in the mid 90s and I found it a lovely rifle. Hits hard and very accurate for its time.


    Well worth restoring if you have the ticket Terrierman.





    Thanks Simon,


    I've decided to pass and wait for another...preferably in .25. This one has apparently been tuned and upon viewing the paperwork it was shooting CP's 14.3 at and average of 795 +/- 15 fps. I think it might have been a bit of a slowpoke from the beginning. I considered buying it and replacing the spring, and seal but then then opted not to. I don't need any additional gun related projects at this time. lol. Cheers.



  7. Really great post. I've been shooting air rifles from the time I was 10 years old and my fav has always been a springer. I've owned many different types but the springer is the only one I'll own now. There are definately some beautiful looking and shooting PCP's though.


    I was always a Diana guy. I had and sold many, but after my first Weihrauch the Diana rifles just seem kinda junky to me now. If I had to pick a fav Diana now, it would probably be the good old 34 in .22 and wooden stock (older version).


    I now own a HW80K and an HW90 and I'll never part with either of them. I would like to ad a HW77 in .177 to the collection some day.

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  8. Sorry to hear you had your dogs taken, I can't imagine how it must feel. I had someone steal one of my ferrets a while ago, so I set an ir trail cam in the shed. I caught the old ba$tard a little over a month later coming back for my big albino male. Might be something to invest in for those of you that keep your dogs outside for a bit of added security.


    I hope you get your dogs back.

    • Thanks 1
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