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Posts posted by NaTiiVe

  1. Im just so torn ive had 2 dogs both pleased me but currently got none lost one to parvo and one had to be pts a while back but ive got a young lad now and wanting to get back into it , father son thing you no but im torn between collie grey or collie whippet not seen collie whippets that much but im a rabbit guy and I think collie grey will be a little too much just stuck, [NO TEXT TALK] had any experience with collie whippet, what they like size etc

  2. hey i gave my 2 dogs some tomatoes the other day the chopped tomatoes in tins, if you give them too much will it do anything to them or is it ok for them to have them often as i found it helped them eat ther snap when i mixed it in they ate the lot


  3. hey, just wondering imgoing to be honest i have let it slip with my bitch shes almost 3 and shes gone down hill with her recall, just wondering is it to late to get her 100% i no its sounds a stupid question but really wanting to put the effort in now, but is it little to late, should of done it ages ago tbf so my own fault. cheers lads

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