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Posts posted by seanachiesaluki

  1. This is shocking and total discrimination. Political correctness and morales in this country have gone mad. What's pissing me off is the most at the moment is weekly attacks on humans and dog sometimes fatal by banned breeds. Almost every where local to me now, not that I take my dogs anywhere public as there are hoards of Pitbulls and other crosses of these breeds. Many people I know take there dogs in the car afar to excercise them. Nothing is being done about this situation, yet a guy walking 2 lurchers and a terrier receives a letter implying he is involved in poaching. Are owners of Pitbulls and other banned breeds getting letters implying they are involved in Dog Fighting. I think NOT. If I had a time machine I'd pop myself back to Aidensfield, good old Heartbeat country and lead the life of Peggy Armstrong, living off the land.

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  2. We have a Whippet/Grey/Bedlington, he's sharp as a tack and a great Lamping dog especially Rabbits. We were out doing some permission work on a local farm last week. A bunny though it could nip through the square net fence he grabbed it by the back leg and pulled it all the way back. I don't know about anyone else but the Rabbits we are catching are well healthy this year some amount of meat on them. I was thinking this may be down to the mild winter.

  3. My Saluki bitch is a finicky eater. I feed her dry biscuit and mix through dinner scraps or pick up the discounted meat from the supermarket usually this encourages her to eat. The smaller the biscuit the better too. I have noticed though during and after her last few seasons that her eating habits change. Around 3 weeks before, during and after she starts eating for Scotland. She would eat the biscuit dry during this time. I take it this is her hormones telling her body to get ready for pregnancy as it soon stops and she goes back to normal afterwards as she's not been mated.



    Get it spayed and you will be able to forget about that problem and many more.. ;)

    I will never spay a bitch EVER again unless totally necesssary. Every bitch I have had spayed has ended up with spay incontinence. I'd hate to add up what I've spent over the years on Propalin.


    I would rather have a bitch on Propalin than a risk of mammary tumours/ovarian cancer/pyometra and a host of other problem's..i have had and seen a fair few problem's what i have mentioned with entire bitches but out of 9 bitches that i have seen spayed only one required Propalin for incontinence... but at the end of the day it's each to there own.. :thumbs:


    It's not just the Propalin and the cost, the insurance pays for that but eventually it stops working well it did with mine. But my bitches are miserable when they wet themselves, they think they have done wrong. The urine irritates their skin and they smell unless you bath them constantly which is no good for their coats and then you have the problem of beds also needing washed all the time. None of my unspayed bitches have ever suffered from mammary tumours/ovarian cancer or pyometra perhaps if they had I'd think differently. As you said each to their own.

    • Like 2

    I have been looking around for a while now at different Saluki Litters to see what is coming out what. These pups are some of the best I've seen yet, I will follow their progress with interest. I can't believe how big boned they are, nice and chunky to stand a good day out in the field. I am not too hot at following posts but is the dam of this litter from the same breeding as my bitch (Crown Prince x Queen Nellie)? Is it yourself that owns the dog?


    I'd like to breed my bitch probably next year to keep a dog pup for myself and a bitch my partners mum. I would love a silver grizzle dog for myself.


    Right, I know this is a girly question and I should be more interested in their working capability ;) which I am but when breeding Salukis does the colour of the sire and dam come into it. For example when breeding Dobermanns a bitch who is Dominant Black can be mated to Brown Dog but will produce all black puppies.


    Any info appreciated.

    working abilty comes first not colours, and if they dont make the grade on the sod ,dont breed,jmo mc


    I didn't say colours come first when it comes to breeding. IMO health and confirmation of the dog comes first. If a dog is not built properly then it won't run properly. Second IMO would be temperament, you've got to live with them more than you work them then it would be working ability.


    If we all had the same opinion it would be a dull world to live in :tongue2:

  6. i wouldn't go down the route of taking hormone pills or injections, a good simple solution to skin and hair problems particularly in bitches is to regulary supplement the diet of the bitch with evening primrose oil, this is better than the fish oils for the problem you are having. don't go tipping loads on though, just put the minimum amount on 4 to 5 days a week all year round,


    its a dietary supplement to provide a high level of Gamma Linolenic Acid, an omega 6 fatty acid, that is beneficial to maintain healthy skin and coat condition and to reduce scurfiness and dry skin.

    The high level of GLA and omega 6 fatty acids contained in our Evening Primrose Oil makes this an excellent product for maintaining skin condition, reducing dry skin and increasing shine and coat growth. It is invaluable to give during the moult or where excessive hair loss has occurred and is ideal for breeds with long silky coats as when given regularly it will maintain the good quality coat these breeds require. Evening Primrose Oil also affects prostaglandin activity and so is helpful to stabilise hormonal imbalances.

    I'll give this a go. I like au natural :thumbs:

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    Dam too my pups is bred Jihad Khan x Queen Nellie, I also own the sire too the litter, with regards to throw of colors I dont really knowvmuch about it, plenty on here do though. For me just best worker to bestvworker, color not matter, mind dont think many uk lines chuck silver grizzle, again could be wrong, the litter was the sires first and barring any disasters with pups, likely his last, I would advise anyone too think very carefully before breeding a litter if pures not the easiest of breeds to place a full litter, well in decent suitable homes.

    Thanks. I will of course be thinking very hard about it. I am a responsible owner and none of our pups would go to just any Tom, Dick or Harry. I have to definate homes and 3 who have booked in advance although their circumstances may change. I will buy a dog if I do not think I can find suitable homes. My dogs are my family not just a commodity.


    are these working homes or walk round the park homes ??


    Did you read my Introduction? I did say I do permission work (rabbits) on a local farm. 3 of the homes out of the 5 so far will be worked yes.


    no i didnt read your intro,, wasted on rabbits imho atb mc


    It's illegal to run hares ;)


    lol no good you using my dog for stud then he only produces hare killers lol


    What this pick on the new girl :tongue2: time to end the tit for tat...... This thread is about those beautiful Saluki Pups of yours. Articgun said that could be his last litter anyway. Would be a shame, those puos look like they are going to be belters :bye:





    Dam too my pups is bred Jihad Khan x Queen Nellie, I also own the sire too the litter, with regards to throw of colors I dont really knowvmuch about it, plenty on here do though. For me just best worker to bestvworker, color not matter, mind dont think many uk lines chuck silver grizzle, again could be wrong, the litter was the sires first and barring any disasters with pups, likely his last, I would advise anyone too think very carefully before breeding a litter if pures not the easiest of breeds to place a full litter, well in decent suitable homes.

    Thanks. I will of course be thinking very hard about it. I am a responsible owner and none of our pups would go to just any Tom, Dick or Harry. I have to definate homes and 3 who have booked in advance although their circumstances may change. I will buy a dog if I do not think I can find suitable homes. My dogs are my family not just a commodity.


    are these working homes or walk round the park homes ??


    Did you read my Introduction? I did say I do permission work (rabbits) on a local farm. 3 of the homes out of the 5 so far will be worked yes.


    no i didnt read your intro,, wasted on rabbits imho atb mc


    It's illegal to run hares ;)



    colours are partly due to dominant colour genes but Dna of the parents will mean that any of the normal saluki colours could be produced even from two parents of the same colour, just steer well clear of anything with brindle in it in "Pure Breds " lol

    The Kennel Club wouldn't register or shouldn't register brindles snyway therefore no papers.


    a piece of advice dont trust kc papers to much especially when it comes to salukis ,dont forget none of the COO,s had papers when they came here and some of the dodgy arabs have been known to slip the odd grey x in for speed :icon_eek::thumbs:


    Someone in the 'show dog' world said this to me once and that is why they don't like using their dogs on the working lines. I don't know if this is fact or fiction.



    Dam too my pups is bred Jihad Khan x Queen Nellie, I also own the sire too the litter, with regards to throw of colors I dont really knowvmuch about it, plenty on here do though. For me just best worker to bestvworker, color not matter, mind dont think many uk lines chuck silver grizzle, again could be wrong, the litter was the sires first and barring any disasters with pups, likely his last, I would advise anyone too think very carefully before breeding a litter if pures not the easiest of breeds to place a full litter, well in decent suitable homes.

    Thanks. I will of course be thinking very hard about it. I am a responsible owner and none of our pups would go to just any Tom, Dick or Harry. I have to definate homes and 3 who have booked in advance although their circumstances may change. I will buy a dog if I do not think I can find suitable homes. My dogs are my family not just a commodity.


    are these working homes or walk round the park homes ??


    Did you read my Introduction? I did say I do permission work (rabbits) on a local farm. 3 of the homes out of the 5 so far will be worked yes.

  11. quote

    Right, I know this is a girly question and I should be more interested in their working capability ;) which I am but when breeding Salukis does the colour of the sire and dam come into it.


    NO, as you could put any two pures together and you could never predict what colour all of the pups would be,


    Thanks, just what I wanted to know.
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  12. colours are partly due to dominant colour genes but Dna of the parents will mean that any of the normal saluki colours could be produced even from two parents of the same colour, just steer well clear of anything with brindle in it in "Pure Breds " lol

    The Kennel Club wouldn't register or shouldn't register brindles snyway therefore no papers.
  13. Dam too my pups is bred Jihad Khan x Queen Nellie, I also own the sire too the litter, with regards to throw of colors I dont really knowvmuch about it, plenty on here do though. For me just best worker to bestvworker, color not matter, mind dont think many uk lines chuck silver grizzle, again could be wrong, the litter was the sires first and barring any disasters with pups, likely his last, I would advise anyone too think very carefully before breeding a litter if pures not the easiest of breeds to place a full litter, well in decent suitable homes.

    Thanks. I will of course be thinking very hard about it. I am a responsible owner and none of our pups would go to just any Tom, Dick or Harry. I have to definate homes and 3 who have booked in advance although their circumstances may change. I will buy a dog if I do not think I can find suitable homes. My dogs are my family not just a commodity.
  14. I have been looking around for a while now at different Saluki Litters to see what is coming out what. These pups are some of the best I've seen yet, I will follow their progress with interest. I can't believe how big boned they are, nice and chunky to stand a good day out in the field. I am not too hot at following posts but is the dam of this litter from the same breeding as my bitch (Crown Prince x Queen Nellie)? Is it yourself that owns the dog?


    I'd like to breed my bitch probably next year to keep a dog pup for myself and a bitch my partners mum. I would love a silver grizzle dog for myself.


    Right, I know this is a girly question and I should be more interested in their working capability ;) which I am but when breeding Salukis does the colour of the sire and dam come into it. For example when breeding Dobermanns a bitch who is Dominant Black can be mated to Brown Dog but will produce all black puppies.


    Any info appreciated.

  15. you can get some omega 3 cod liver oil stuff to put with its food (cant remember the name of it), happened to our ridgeback when she was in season took this and her hair started growing back in 2 days

    I will give it a try. Tried Seaweed supplement this worked with our horses and Dobermanns. Sal is such a picky eater that it put her off her food. Thanks for the suggestion.

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