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Posts posted by fairplay

  1. Agh pigsy and I thought it was just me that thought it was BAD ? NEXT year they or thinking of having a class for crossdressers John mc stay will win that after all did you not see him winning the class on Sunday after his wife won the ladys class he then takes the dog into final and wins well done John put your dress on next time lol

  2. Lol so you say ? So here's how it's played out j duke judges moira and puts up tango then onto ballylough tango judges and you win then j duke partner also wins Tracy gill with the gilford man in the ring with tango did you all not stay down there together ???? Then onto moira again gilford man in the ring again with the lurcher judge who wins ? Need I say more ? Yes I do guess who wins whippet pups ? You got it j duke is it a conspiricey who Iam I to say that BUT YOU NO wHAT YOU ARE ALL LIKE A BUNCH OF BANANAS YOUR ALL BENT AS f**k

  3. Kirsty I thought you did a great job judging at dessie mackins show but you did not get him in the ring with you he new to stand back and let you get on with the job of judging that is why his show is so good and runs so well at moira the lurcher judge was discussing the dogs with one of the guys that run the show and was lifting the money I heard them in the final saying to one another what do you think and the other one say well what do you think that should niver happen at any show you or bound to have seen what was going on a blind man could have seen it if anyone wants to run a terrier and lurcher show go to any of the shows that d mackin j Barry runs and you will see how to do it [bANNED TEXT] right down to the simulated coursing and racing it is done well and no one is giving out about it not being run right the mourne show is a good show as well it was the same at ballylough last year badley run poor judges and shit trouphys

  4. LMFA if you think that was a top class event you must be on drugs or something that was one of the worst terrier and lurcher shows I have ever been too go to dessie mackins show or mourne or tullylish show to see how to run a show your trouphys are the worst at any show in Ireland the gilford terrier club are not good enought to run a show niver mind a so called game fair take stock of what people or saying or you won't have anyone going to any of your game fairs anymore listen to what the comperters or saying or you won't have any comperters going to your events

  5. LMFA if you think that was a top class event you must be on drugs or something that was one of the worst terrier and lurcher shows I have ever been too go to dessie mackins show or mourne or tullylish show to see how to run a show your trouphys are the worst at any show in Ireland the gilford terrier club are not good enought to run a show niver mind a so called game fair take stock of what people or saying or you won't have anyone going to any of your game fairs anymore listen to what the comperters or saying or you won't have any comperters going to your events

  6. We want to thank the Gilford Lurcher & Terrier Club for running another top class event at the Moira Game Fair this year. A special thank you also goes to all the competitors and to the judges who we recognise do not have the easiest of jobs on the day. Finally congratulations to the winners in each of the categories.

  7. Well said toasty the shoe was a disgrace the judges wernt picking the dogs the stewarts were they were talking to the judges all the time the trouphys were pure shit worse than s irwins and that's saying a lot it's the worse show I have ever bin too and I won't be back next year they treat the terrier people with judges that could not pick there nose ok the dog that won was the best on the day and the guy does work them I no I have seen them work as for the rest well other than the workin class winner the rest will niver see a hole in there life the gilford mob don't even have to buy the trouphys they are bought for them at least you would think they could get something better than the shut they were handing out yesterday and charging £3 a dog get you ack together or get someone else to run it the lurched judge was putting the lurchers on a makeship table to judge them either get judges that can do the job or pack it in

    Ever had a go at the judging yourself fairplay??

  8. Well Albert it was mat that said you picked the terrier judge for last years terrier show he was like co co the clown prancing about in a kilt judging the dogs on a table then when they walked for him he was not even looking at them and look what he put up for champion a black thing with a White blaze on the front of it and it's tail up its ass any show or gaim fair needs a judge that's knows what he is looking at and that is also the case for lurchers and whippets any show is only as good as the judges that judge it let's see what this year brings ?

  9. And no not a bad day then I work my terriers I don't show them but I like going to the shows for the crack and banter I love to wind big dessie up and the rest of them but he was not there today he won't go to irwins or mats shows and [bANNED TEXT] he is I like fairplay you won't get that at these shows




    Matt Lee is 'not in charge' of the Irish Game Fair at Shanes Castle our team are, with me at the head. As anyone knows from this forum I have taken a personal interest in the Terrier & Lurchers at our shows and that includes an involvement in getting good prizes and trophies and in helping select good fair judges.


    Ballywalter was the first of the shows run under a new regime and I selected and purchased the trophies myself and I was more than happy with Matt's selection of judges. I have heard no complaints about either trophies or judges at Ballywalter.


    I had no involvement with Florencecourt other than letting it run qualifiers for the Master Mc Grath and the Five Nations.


    We are currently finalising judges for Shanes Castle and Birr and again they will be people who I personally will be happy with. At the end of the day judges can only give their opinion on the day and judging is a matter of opinion - you , I and other people's opinions will differ.



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