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Posts posted by banjorabbiter

  1. eyup lads been out at about 10 to 4 this morning just got back , didn't see much to start with and thought I was going home with an empty bag until a good opportunity came , a rabbit at about 20 yards nice easy shot cross hairs on head squeezed trigger rabbit fell over kicked once , not bad for A spring .22 (cross man quest) anyway that's the ferrets fed for a couple more days! all the best banjo

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  2. eyup lads been out at about 10 to 4 this morning just got back , didn't see much to start with and thought I was going home with an empty bag until a good opportunity came , a rabbit at about 20 yards nice easy shot cross hairs on head squeezed trigger rabbit fell over kicked once , not bad for A spring .22 (cross man quest) anyway that's the ferrets fed for a couple more days! all the best banjo

  3. sorry I haven't made my self clear enough I only want the dog as a companion for shooting and will be taken beating just for exercise as on my shoot terriers are welcome. the main jobs the terrier will be used for is ratting ferreting and bushing. looking into a plummer or bedlington thanks for suggestions atb banjo

  4. looking for suggestions on which type of terrier to get next

    it will be used for






    will not be used for earthwork, but needs to have a good nose for marking rabbits up etc

    so what would be a good steady breed for this type of work?

    open to all advice/suggestions.


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