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Big Jim101

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Posts posted by Big Jim101

  1. Alright lads, Ive got a 10mnth old lurcher and his recall is perfect, untill he gets on a scent, he might aswell be deaf, because hes gone and nothing i scream will bring him back. is this a normal thing for lurchers? i wouldnt mind it but it can be embarrassing if theres loads of people walking dogs and he speeds off into the distance. dangerous too if were near a road!! any help lads??





  2. Alright Lads


    I posted on here a few weeks ago about me being worried that my s200 was losing power when firing. well i finally got it chronied today and basically, its not. shooting just under 12lb/ft solidly throughout all 40 shots. so its an accuracy thing. the guns gone from shooting pellet on top of pellet using AA diablo fields to having like a 2 inch group at 30 yards!! any ideas what this could be?? any advice would be much appreciated!





  3. cheers for all the kind offers lad, its much appreciated! theres some great people on here! the local gun shop said hell do it for free so going to go there, only just down the road. ive got a full seal service kit on the way, got it off ebay for £5 so hopefully thatll make some difference. if not ill let you all know ;).


    cheers lads!

  4. ive seen a seal service kit on ebay for like £5 and that have all the o rings so might have a go at that a see if that helps. Its a real shame Tron because i was untill 2 months ago in Newport but unfortunately im now working down in chelmsford in Essex for the next few months but thats very kind of you and i really appreciate the offer! its nice to know there are some generous and helpful guys out there!

  5. alright lads, ive been putting ALOT of pellets through my air arms s200 MKII recently as ive obtained new permission with plenty of rabbits on. however on the last few trips out i think the power of my s200 is fading? i dont have a chrono so cant know for sure but im getting a few shots that should be good clean kills normally, but dont take the rabbit clean out. the pellets also seem to be dropping off me. aswell of this the accuracy has started to decrease, nothing drastic, but this could be because im on the last few pellets in the tin and they arent in the best shape.


    Any advise on what i can do lads? is there a service kit i can get or any screws i can adjust to increase the power?


    Cheers Jim

  6. alright lads, ive got a mark 2 air arms S200 and dont really want to upgrade to more expensive gun because im more than happy with the S200. however i do think the stock is a bit plain and it is getting a bit worn out. Can anyone point me in the right direction of where i can get a custom stock for it or have one made?





  7. Yeah im going to pop down the local butcher tomorrow and see if hes interested, at this rate ill run out of freezer space because i dont have a chest freezer in the new flat hahahah.


    Just to emphases how many rabbits there are on this permission every time i went into a new field there were groups of 10-20 rabbits sat out in the field and id manage to take 1 or 2 before the rest would clear off. theres about 30 fields and im guessing that not all will be above ground at the same time so there must literally be hundreds. went out again today for 3 hours and managed a nice bag of 14. thats a total of 31 rabbits off this permission this week and theres been the same amount in the field each time ive come back so doesnt look like im even making a dent hahahah. giving me a great opportunity to really get to know this gun aswell, i was literally speechless when i pulled off a standing 40yard headshot today, for me thats bloody good hahaha.


    then when i was packing up ready for home the nice 21 year old blonde manager ;) came and asked 'do you do rats? weve got a real bad rat problem aswell!' this place gets better and better! :angel:


    ATB lads





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  8. For all you lads out there who struggle to get permission, I only recently moved here to Essex and had nowhere to shoot. so just as a passing thought i decided to put a free add in the local paper for free pest control with air rifles, not expecting to get a response. well the first day it was printed i had a rather stressed horse paddock owner call me up to come take care of his rabbits as they were ruining his land as there were so many!


    so during the week i went out about 6pm just to have a look around and my god this is an expensive place, big 6foot solid fences the whole way around with electric gates so you cant even see in and the stables are immaculate! the car park was even full of jags and martins!. when i did get inside he wasnt exagerating about the rabbit problem! it was literally crawling with them! unfortunatly the wind and rain were against me making for terrible shooting conditions and when the rain finially stopped the wind was just as strong!


    After 2 complete misses i decided to test a few shots on a target to see how the wind was affecting me, a few shots were going 3'' wide at 30yards!! but after the weather settled i was able to do some damage to the rabbit population, manageing to account for 8 in about an hour and a half! looks like ive found a nice bit of shooting here and im going to go back out today after lunch and see if i can get into double figures, the lurcher pup is going to be eating very well for the next few weeks!


    Cheers Lads







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