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Posts posted by Teer

  1. Hey mate,


    It's quite simple. You set the scope to your primary zero, which is 30 yards. Then the scope will have another zero of let's say 10 yards. You do not zero it at 10 yards after you set zero at 30 yards. Your point of impact and aim will be the same at 10 and 30 yards. This is because when you shoot your pellet flies slightly upwards so it crosses the scopes line of sight twice (because it's got a parabolic trajectory). Look at Zini's diagram it's good. Try and understand it, and if you don't get it then come back :)




  2. Hi mate,

    Generally you aim a bit lower as the impact will be a bit higher. The scope has two zeroes, one (the main zero or whatever you call it) will be at 30 yards, the other lets say at 10 yards (not sure though just guessing, but if I remember right when you zero your scope at 30 yards in .22 cal air rifles the other zero will be approx. at 10 yards.), so all the shots in between zeroes will be hitting a bit higher in general.


    I hope it helps, cheers,


  3. Nice trip mate :p


    I've been out lamping rabbits for the first time yesterday as well but didn't see anything (well just one bunny out of range :D). It was on my new permission and I didn't have a chance to scout it yet. Not sure if it was too late (around 9.30 p.m.) or too cold as it was a bit frosty fair enough. Or maybe both.


    What time do you usually go out lamping? And what was the weather like?


    atb mate and nice write up,


  4. Hi guys,


    I wonder if anyone knows what the "conservation of wild birds" bit means in the general license for Scotland called "LICENCE TO KILL OR TAKE CERTAIN BIRDS FOR THE

    CONSERVATION OF WILD BIRDS". It is not explained anywhere in the license and it just looks as if you could go and shoot all the species mentioned there and say you're doing it for the purpose of conservation of wild birds, but I don't think it works this way. So anyone could clarify this license?


    thanks and atb,


  5. Hi lads,


    I'm writing this post because I'm a bit confused right now (and maybe I'll get some clarifying answers from yous :) )and it might also help a few people to stay out of trouble.

    So here we go.


    Licence to kill or take certain birds for the purpose of preventing serious damage to livestock, foodstuffs for livestock, crops, vegetables and fruit (for Scotland in this case) states that you can shoot Great Black-backed Gull, Collared Dove, Feral Pigeon, Woodpigeon, Carrion Crow, Hooded Crow, Jackdaw, Magpie for preventing ...(look at the name of the general license :) ).


    Now, I've had a chat with one of the guys I went foxing with and he's a professional pest controller and he said that as long as you're not an authorised person (in this case it would be owner (or owner's agent) of grounds where the owner has crops, stores food for livestock or where some of the birds can cause damage to livestock, etc. you can't shoot those birds specified in the license. He said it as I mentioned that I'd like to find some new permissions where I could shoot some pigeons as well.


    Then I asked a guy at a gun shop if for example I was on a golf course permission and there were woodies, crows, rooks, etc. there if it's legal to shoot them? He said yes, but I can't see them being pest on that particular ground, whatever way I look at it.


    Also the pest controller guy told me that some time ago some lad shot a crow somewhere in his garden and he lost his firearm license and got a big fine as well because they were not a pest in his garden (despite them being on a pest list they didn't meet the pest classifying criterion).


    I suppose the pest controller guy is right, you have to be careful and make sure that you actually know when you can legally shoot those birds. But I'm a bit confused as I've seen many posts here from your days out hunting and a lot of you bagged a few crows, rooks, woodies, etc. but it didn't always seem like some of you did it legally meaning that those birds haven't always met the criterion to classify them as pests i.e. they weren't shot at places where crops were grown, etc. (seen a post from a golf course shooting here once and the lad bagged a few rooks there I think, there were also posts (if I'm not wrong) from people showing what they've bagged in their back garden).


    Also I've additional question, if something is classified as vermin (e.g. Grey Squirrel) can you 'shoot it on sight'? Just want to make sure before I shoot anything on my permissions :p

    So to sum up, I'm not sure how the whole thing with pest species works but be careful guys and make sure you know what you can shoot on your permissions as many people seem to think that if something is on a general license you can shoot it straight away and the truth is it can turn out nasty if you break the law.




  6. nice shooting mate.spend 5 months a year working over your way in ft william.maybe we can have a shoot come July.




    Hey mate,

    Whenever you're close/available or anything it would be great to get out hunting with someone. If you let me know a week or two in advance I'll be able to sort out a few days off of work and we could have a shoot together (plus if needed I could travel to Fort William, maybe we could sort out some place for camping so I could stay there for a few days) :thumbs:


    Nice read mate ,i spent a lot of summer holidays at black mount estate Tainult


    Hi, Didn't know there's an estate in Taynuilt. Can you tell me more about it? Maybe we could get out and do some hunting together as well during the summer holidays. :D


    Cheers for the replies guys ;)




  7. Bloody hell :blink:


    Some serious bunny control here hahaha. I'm glad to hear you've had a good time, nice write up and pics too mate.


    And nice bag :p


    I can't wait until I go lamping :) Should be good fun. But need to sort out some good permission first.


    Anyway, well done again.




  8. Hi fellas,


    My first write up I hope you'll enjoy it ;)


    So I woke up at about 8:30, not knowing what I should do with myself I decided to go hunting at around 10 o'clock. I got to my permission at about 10:20 (the only one so far, I'm trying to get better ones as this one isn't easily accessible - you need to get a ferry to get across). Rabbits are my main targets on this permission, with an odd jackdaw from time to time if I'm lucky. The weather wasn't too nice, giving me some sun and some rain and some wind mixed all together. But despite the weather off I went into the fields looking for potential victims of my Weihrauch, I saw a few cheeky bunnies laughing at me before they've run away and a few hooded crows making "kraa kraa" noises, probably laughing at me as well as I couldn't get close enough for a shot :) And that was it for about 3-4 hours. Resigned I headed back for the ferry and as I was heading back I thought that I could actually stay another hour and try my luck on a different permission (same island just different land owner. Anyway I treat the whole island as one permission). So I started wondering around the fields, seeing a few rabbits here and there and finally I managed to get close enough to one of them. Silly bugger, stopped to look who was that man in a funny looking clothing :laugh:

    Needless to say, he did a wrong thing :p

    Here's some pics, not a lot but I hope you'll enjoy.


    Skinned :)


    And the skin alone



    Sorry for the pic quality but couldn't upload more that 200kb. Next time I'll sort something out so it looks better :p


    I'm off to get that skin sorted out now. :D




  9. Back in Poland I used to shoot a CO2 powered rifle, me and the rifle owner used to spray pellets with lube and they seemed to fly a bit better with a bit more of a "kick". But it could have been our imagination xD Anyway it leaves a lot of residue in the barrel so you have to clean it quite often.





    Ps. I think washing them always gets the dust and other sh*t off of it, especially when you wash it with a washing up liquid. I guess that would make a difference, but I dunno if it would be noticeable. I might do a few tests when I have some time :)

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