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norn- jamie

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Posts posted by norn- jamie

  1. hey im shooting a 222 bruno at foxes, I'm finding it hard for stopping them,

    Once I shoot I dont know if if hit or not then they drop dead 200-300 yards up the field is [NO TEXT TALK] having the same problem please help im getting very frustrated.

  2. Hello there:

    My names Jamie I live in Northern Ireland.

    I joined this to find out more about shooting in England and Scotland as the shooting over with me has turned very poor i.e Pigeon and rabbit, as like many places over shot, people taking too much off the land than they need (greed) and not letting the country side recover over the summer as many people start shooting pigeons on cut crops when they are still feeding young.

    Alls i want is help in finding places to come over for the weekend paying for the enjoyment, theres plenty of places on the net but recommendations of places that people has had good shooting would be great.


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