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Posts posted by Halo

  1. Hi Everyone


    Well Like Furryhound, i joined to see what the fuss over dodgy snack shack was about as I had heard of him etc & unfortunately see him around alot at shows i attend!


    My names Kathy & I live in Northants, with several large breed furries, 2 grown kids & a Hubby!


    Ok, so i'm one of the fluffy brigade in that I have giant breed dogs (St Bernards & Bullmastiff) but I show them ... Yep I spend all day faffing around at dog shows .... But my dogs do have a life outside this 'world', & I do allow them to actually get muddy & enjoy a dogs life as it were, but being on the larger side, hunting is not their thing (unless they are chasing it in their dreams or my bloody cats! LOL)


    After having a look around, i liked what I saw here, & whilst we don't hunt, I found your forum to be fab & i love reading all the posts & info & the photography is fantastic!


    Well, thats me, I hope you guys will let me stay, & hope to enjoy more topics & your sense of humour!! :thumbs:

  2. I have large dogs with very hairy ears & have to clean them regularly, especially as they get very warm so bacteria can grow rapidly & become sore :( . Recently we had one of the dogs whos ears just would not settle at all, despite meds off the vet. I used the thornit too, but to no avail. I was then told of a product called Quistel. Its a liquid that you fill the ear with (smells kind of surgical, its the only word i can think of!) you then rub the ear to loosen all the crap & let the dog shake its head. Clean the excess with a tissue. It worked wonders! I have not had to do his ears since & they stay lovely & clean now. I now have a bottle in my doggy cabinet for use as & when, but its one of the best i have found so far :thumbs:

  3. I have used www.tpms.co.uk for many years for raw food for my big lads & I have to say the service, delivery & the produce are brilliant. I personally can't fault them. They deliver weekly in my area, not sure about what days or how often they would deliver in other places, but i do rate them & the prices aren't that bad. If you can get a few of you to have a larger order, the price comes down again :D

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