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coursing john

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Posts posted by coursing john

  1. just got back home last night of wind down here tonight so i thought i would make the most of it took the pup out again got in the first field and they were both away straght on the rabbit twisting and turning it all over the place then the pup killed it at the hedge loverly juble carry ed on walking put the lamp back on and there was one right out in the open sliped the dog and they were on soon as i sliped the dogs i just knew that rabbit was not going home benji was like a mad man he was all over it he put 3 bends in to it and picked it straight up clean as a whisltle what a kill we ended up with 6 tonight it really was a proper bit of sport tonight

  2. went out for a look tonight took the pup out for the first time could not beleive it we sliped her in with my other dog first slip they were all over it and the pup got it i was jumping for joy walked in the next field they were both on the go again and she got to the rabbit first and killed it she ended up killing 4 in total and me other dog ended up with 2 im so happy with the pup and the best thing was she retrieved every one of them back to me

  3. For sale due to a family berevement a beautiful 7 month old collie cross bitch. I am selling her for my friends wife as she is unable to look after her. My friend bought her just before he passed away so she has had no real training, I am unsure what she is crossed with, she is a very lively pup and has an excellent temprament and i am sure given the right training she will make a good working dog. Any sensible offers only please. Thanks.

  4. whats your views on light force lamps iv had nothing but aggrovation with them the wire always seem to go in the handel al my mate have had the same problem with them just seem to be aload of old shit they were the bollocks when they first come out we have started yousing the night stalker what a lovely lamp well mate and stronge

  5. hi lads i have a jill and she is 10 months old and she has been in heat for more than 4 months .

    i took her out today and her back legs wouldnt work and she has yellow fluid coming out of her private it has red markins around it.

    she is my first ferret so im not an expert or any thing,has this ever happened to your jills or could u help me please!!




    she is f****d mate yuo shouldent have left her that long

  6. For me,, a ferrets a ferret,, not into this Greyhound ferret pish, I`ve seen the type and no,, they were`nt that small.. long thin types,,


    But anyway,, coursing John,, been at it 23 years bud so i expect I know what I need,, and small tiny things aint it,,



    well yer mate iv been doing it my self for 24 years and there the best iv ever seen and iv seen and had alot cheers

  7. There's a strip of land on the edge of a farmers field where I walk the dog and if I go there either first or last thing there' loads of rabbits sitting on the edge of it and they all bolt into the cover as soon as you get within about 20 or 30 meters of them. The cover is about 20 meters thick and then their warren is on the other side of the cover.


    It's possible to go to the warren without spooking the rabbits on the other side of the cover. It'd be a bit risky to ferret it as it's a public walkway and even though you very rarely see anyone there it's only a stones throw away from the gamekeepers cottage. What I was thinking of doing is setting purse nets over the holes and then going back round the undergrowth and getting the dog to chase them into the nets, so the nets would be catching them as they go back into the warren rather than coming out.


    Has anyone tried this? and did it work? I can't see why it wouldn't as long as the nets are anchored properly.

    get your self a long net mate it will be easyer mate

  8. Yup


    Nice big healthy strong ferret for giving the rabbits a hard time,, not a tiny wee thing that gets latched on, and dragged aboot the warren,, Not my dream bud!!



    well get your self some grahounds then mate there small and hard as f**k

  9. Bamboo plant labels are a cheapish decent peg. Most my nets are on hazel pegs, I make them really nice with the palm ends rounded off smooth and cut a groove to tie the draw cord to rather than a hole. They take a while to make of you have 50 odd to do and I will just replace them with bamboo from now. I have brought a few different ferreting pegs and none nice quality. Any peg will do the job just some more comfortably that others. I make mine about 4" long which seems shorter than most but they do the job. They struggle in proper sand but I would rather that that carry around the carry around the fecking great big things a lot seem to have. If you worked alot of sand I would make them 5-6".


    edit to ad http://www.crocus.co...sid.2000004243/

    ive just brought 100 brand new nets thats why i want to shop about and buy some real good ones the seasons finished so theres no rush i just want to put something on thats going to last you know im treating my self


    Yeah I am the same, any old thing would work but it is nice using something well made. Its worth it in the long run :thumbs: Let us know if you find a decent type.

    yer i found some ive ordered some from bridport nets hard wood 4 quid for ten they look well alright there do for me

  10. Bamboo plant labels are a cheapish decent peg. Most my nets are on hazel pegs, I make them really nice with the palm ends rounded off smooth and cut a groove to tie the draw cord to rather than a hole. They take a while to make of you have 50 odd to do and I will just replace them with bamboo from now. I have brought a few different ferreting pegs and none nice quality. Any peg will do the job just some more comfortably that others. I make mine about 4" long which seems shorter than most but they do the job. They struggle in proper sand but I would rather that that carry around the carry around the fecking great big things a lot seem to have. If you worked alot of sand I would make them 5-6".


    edit to ad http://www.crocus.co.uk/product/_/tools/potting-propagating/bamboo-plant-labels/classid.2000004243/

    ive just brought 100 brand new nets thats why i want to shop about and buy some real good ones the seasons finished so theres no rush i just want to put something on thats going to last you know im treating my self

  11. i reasantly bought some plastic tent pegs,,, yellow 8 inch from halfords £1.99 for a pack of 10,,, have a look on there site on line.....


    there are some desent metel one as well :thumbs:

    thank you for the information tomo atb john

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