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Posts posted by adesaxo31

  1. A rangefinder would be more use than a laser they are more of a gimik than something you will use all the time I paid 80 quid for one an sold it for 40 an probably only used it about 3-4 times whereas with my rangefinder I use it on every shot and the confidence it gives you knowing your shot will be spot on is worth every penny atb ade

  2. Hi iv had a new hob fidget an he has a very nice temprement an is only 10 months but all my ferrets just seem to attack him an end up voilently fighting an all my ferrets get on well with any other ferret but him iv had new ferrets an they have got on well from the start but soon as he goes anywhere near one they go straight for his face hes in the house at the moment untill I get a hutch tomorro atb ade

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