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Posts posted by willy17

  1. i think i would have a go at moveing it as people have said all types of conifer have spreading roots near the surface do as the othere guys say and dig a trench around

    the tree about a foot deep or 30cm then leave a hose pipe running all night in it then the hole tree should become very loose only cut roots that you have to best of luck

  2. hi all when your rabbit shooting from a hide when you shoot one do ya go pick it up or leave it till the end of the sesh??

    If you pick them up dont you spook the rest?

    If you leave them dont it spook the rest?

    atb jamie :thumbs:

    when i do it i normaly leave them and the otheres dont seem to care they must be stupid and think they are asleep

  3. i have three patts and i have a 15m x 10m garden and a 4 feet high green chain link fence they soon climbed so i put i strand of electric tape 5 or 6 inchs from the ground about 6 inchs from the fence takes 2 x d cells lasts about a week on 24/7 the dogs all take 1 or if they are realy stupid 2 shocks and they learn once the cells run flat the dogs have allready learn't so no need to replace them the tape is about £10 for 250 meters and the unit is about £40 or £50 pounds i even place the tape around things i dont want them into it works great

  4. Cheers for the comments and tips guys. Back out end of week or next week again.

    do you know anyone with a live catch rat trap use some peanut butter and get one let the dog see it but not to close

    then take them out in a field and let it out i have seen this done dog soon gets the hang of it

  5. my opinion go for the lamp, as its been said on here many a time bipods no good for springers tracer max wicked lamp mate atb t1

    t get a cree q5 800 lumins zoomable on ebay for about £20 and a couple of double 22mm pipe clips one end on scope other on lamp less than £25 lamp that is bright enough for the killing range and some for any air rifle and most rimfire as well up to 150 meters

  6. well lads.any advice on how to get rid a rats.me back yards full of them.i got a big tub of poison a few months ago for 99euro.it took there numbers down.but i still had rats.there numbers are after coming back now.i have 2 rat traps out the back garden and catching 2 rats most mornings.and its like im catching nothing.i used to have a few birds out the shed and the rats chewed true the cage and got at the birds.i have to keep my dog food in the house cause the rats will get at it in the shed.theres an old saying that rats would stay clear of ferrets so i put a ferret hutch in my shed but that didnt work.i have terriers and lurchers but they are in runs and i couldt leave a terrier loose because a the neighbours cats.i was watching a doc before about rats.rats breed the whole year round and one female rat can have up to 60 babys a year.so ye can imagine what kinda problem i have here

    get yourself a air rifle and sit up one night with a lamp should take care of a few every night

  7. :censored: rats have come up through my downstairs toilet and have chewed a hole in the plaster board and gone up through the wall into the small loft above the toilet. They're can't get into the rest of the house but I want to get rid of them.


    I've tried setting little nipper rat traps and they just ignore them no matter what I put on them (tried with bread, tuna, peanut butter, chicken and beef). I've tried a cage trap with all of these baits in and again they just ignore it. I've tried some of that prebaited poison that smells like aniseed and I put it in a neat pile so I could tell if they'd had any and it's untouched.


    What am I doing wrong? I'm well stumped, I though it'd be a piece of piss catching rats! Any help would be eternally appreciated!

    where are you in wales

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