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Posts posted by Morris

  1. Was just a quick question, I have to go to Edinburgh on a piping course for three months. I was wondering if there is any of you in the area which would be happy for me to tag along and give. I have my own ferrets but they will be in Germany where I currently live, so there fore I have no hunting for me three months. Ill be free every weekend from 12 on Friday. I have been ferreting for years, so im not new to it.

    Thanks morris

  2. Just a quick question for you lot. Im moving to germany with work, i want to continue hunting with my dogs, they are going too. Not sure how the law works reference day working and lamping. Im sure someone has came across this before, as im sure there are a few ex squaddies here that were based over in germany. Paderbourn. Searched the web, but cant find alot.



  3. Hopefully someone here can help me, i currently live in northern ireland, as everyone knows you need a Fac overe here for everything, i will be moving either to scotland or england over the next few months. I say either scotland or england, as it depends where i get posted.

    So my problem is, i have a Cz452 17. Hmr, 38 lbs per ft Weihrauch and a 12 bore. what do i need to do to carry my weapons with me across the water and who do i need to inform. I'm aware that i will need a fac. I do not want to give them up when i move. So any information would be most helpful.


  4. Hopefully someone here can help me, i currently live in northern ireland, as everyone knows you need a Fac overe here for everything, i will be moving either to scotland or england over the next few months. I say either scotland or england, as it depends where i get posted.

    So my problem is, i have a Cz452 17. Hmr, 38 lbs per ft Weihrauch and a 12 bore. what do i need to do to carry my weapons with me across the water and who do i need to inform. I'm aware that i will need a fac. I do not want to give them up when i move. So any information would be most helpful.


  5. I'm not sure about sea trout for browns i would use a team off gold heads on a floating line, usual leader, length off the rod. if your catching the bottom put on a bait indicator to the correct depth. don't forget to mend your line or you flys will skim on the surface. for the sea trout try a double on the point fly and a gold head on the dropper.

    Go along the lines off hares ear nymph, or pheasant tail. double maybe a black pennell or green wells glory that way they will lift trout aswell.

  6. Another,

    Superman is flying about one lookin for something to do, as he's flying past a high rise tower he notices Wonderwomen lying naked on the roof. Look at this say's he. :icon_eek:

    With my speed i could get in there do my business and leave before she notices.

    So superman fly's in there as fast as he could. Does the job and leaves.

    Wonderwomen say's what was that, The invisable man i don't know but my ass is killing me.

  7. I have Brand new ron thomson quiver tip, with three different tips. I don't know much about course fishing, i bought it when i lived in england, now im back home it has never been out.

    it's been used about 5 times, it came with a reel aswell but i'm holding on to it.

    I'll get it out tomorrow and get a pic for you and all the stats. If you take it i have some swim feeders and floats never used. i'll throw them in for nothen. I do have a keep net , and rod carry case. In fact i'll just get you the pic.

    It will set you up, lets put it that way.

  8. I have a lockvogel Digital caller, there suppoed to be one off the best on the market, i bought it with full intentions off using it, but i prefer traditional methods. I have used it 3 times, twice for foxes and once for crows. each time to great succes, but its now gathering dust.If anyone is interested in it pm me.

    It comes an a leather pouch, and a large mic, the rrp for this item is £170 with the mic.





    5.Fox 2




    Sensible offers please.

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