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Posts posted by Oildriller

  1. Check out the Mole Catchers Guild on the internet and you can also join for free..you will then find out how many Mole Catchers there are in your area... I have been doing it for years caught hundreds and its not easy money.... like when you have fox snares or any trap set you have to check then every day....have a bit of respect. remember Old Lads Rule. take care.

  2. If I was you I would do the plumbing course as from there on you can get into pipe fitting pipe welding with a chance of a job overseas, forget the game keeping as its a thing of the past with no money in it....think real hard about it.

  3. Hi Mate, a good few years ago my Golden Cocker ate some Slug Pellets on the day I was going over seas...the vets bill was out of this world but the dog was OK. I had the pellets covered up with slate but the dog still sniffed them out.....if you have dogs never use Slug Pellets in your garden.

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