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Posts posted by GHDOG

  1. I once had a Siskin mule that was a very good signer , an Italian man breed him , he use to sing to much and course the hens not to settle , I give him to an old boy , I could do with it back it might drowned the sound of the wife out haha

  2. I've got my first pair of goldfinches bought them at stafford sale , the weather went cold and the hen went down hill a little bit ,so I've put her inside she's ok now I think I will just keep her in now until next year am I doing right .the cock birds doing well ,what do you feed yours on I've got them every thing nigseeds them white love heart seed sunflower brittish finch , but they seem to enjoy it eating in the canary mix

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  3. Nice birds when I see your set up makes me want to get into them .ive 1 mule as a pet nice in a morning having a cuppa outside listening to him.then the missies churps haha have you any to sell .im thinking of getting into them .coursing jobs knacked now .need something to get me out of house

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