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fresh earth

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Posts posted by fresh earth

  1. Ia can walk up in about half an hour but tend to drive up nowadays haha . Should have some fun with them Wont do much with the black one she's for the track but the brindle is doing well retrieving some nice halflings on the lamp so pritty much ready . She's been lay up for 7 or 8 weeks after she went through a fence and sliced her chest was quite deep but all healed now and she's about fit again .

  2. i lamp with whippets and catch plenty rabbits as for which cross totaly depends on what your doing with it i know a few lads who have had alot of both and have seen good and bad ones in both crosses . Iv seen a few collie x's that have chosen when they wanted to perform and seen them run regularly and sat back on game and alowed another dog do the work but again iv seen dogs from the same litter as mad keen as a bullx on any game as i say its all down to what your going out for if its rabbits a small collie x and your whippets more than adiquit but only you will know what you need for your desired quarry .

  3. Had a call a month or so ago to go do some rabbits for a keeper . When we got through to the land we were unsure what to expect as everything was quite over grown nettled upto the waist etc . Well we got along had a nose and it was some small sets around a couple of phesent pens in a small wood by luck the trees were sheltering just enough to have prevented the nettles and weeds to become to much of a neusence . We ferreted three sets in all using an old white jill i have had for about 6 years now she always produces and never leaves anything to ground. first set was nothing exciting a buck and 2 youngsters poped out the first was the buck sadie the whippet who iv also had for just over 6 years now quickly snapped it up and retrieved it followed by the young ones who poped out almost together and prince the saluki whippet snapped them up and come back proud as punch with both in his mouth . By now the old jill was up so time to move on we come to the second set where we bolted two large rabbits who managed to slip by the dogs to the larger set about 20 feet away then the old girl was up so we moved over . This was a larger set about 16 holes and looked like it was in good use. We entered the jill and sat back leaving the dogs to do there bit it didnt take long and rabbits were hitting the nets we got 6 within ten minutes all hitting the nets which wasnt pleasing the dogs so we lifted 3 or 4 to give the dogs a chase and by the end of it we had acounted for about 15 rabbits which was alot more than we had bargained for when we had left that morning .


    <a href="http://s724.photobucket.com/albums/ww247/jay-terrier/?action=view&current=4s.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww247/jay-terrier/4s.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="http://s724.photobucket.com/albums/ww247/jay-terrier/?action=view&current=3s.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww247/jay-terrier/3s.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="http://s724.photobucket.com/albums/ww247/jay-terrier/?action=view&current=2s.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww247/jay-terrier/2s.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="http://s724.photobucket.com/albums/ww247/jay-terrier/?action=view&current=1s.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww247/jay-terrier/1s.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

  4. Which laguna dogs feature in its pedigree and how many generations back ? Pups Advertised like this never seem to amaze me . In my eyes any pup I Baught would only ever be classed as laguna line if I Baught it from the laguna kennel. Seen dozens of dogs feature laguna stuff 2 3 4 generations back once or twice and this sertainly doesn't warrant the dog laguna line as there are various other lines probably feature more on the same paperwork .

  5. The reason Irish greyhounds are better is that's where they are reared properly and that's where the real greyhounds are mated . Over here there is a load of crap bred with just that a load of crap that hand in hand with the wrong rearing and there already a peg behind there cousins from

    Over the water . Yes feeding training etc plays a part but breeding is 70 percent at least rearing 20 and the other ten is down to whose keeping the dog . Due to the conditions in racing its far Easyer to notice the difference in dogs ability on the track where speed realy is everything . To be fair though it should be an obvious answer as as stated its like us no two are identicle it's like saying why are some greyhound dogs 24" and some 29" ??? Should they all be the exact same size to .......

  6. I know a lad who had a collie grey x beddy whipp collie whip bitch covered by a dog of similar breeding there a fortnight ago bitch works day and nite ferrets lamps etc dog belongs a traveling lad and does a lot of mooching lamping and the usual botch 22-23 inch 3rd season just passed for the bitch 4th for the dog the lads not in it for the money and be happy wi 50 a dog or 75 for a bitch , though I'd advise against litter sisters I'd consent rate on one dog first then get the other once the basics are done with the first each to there own tho . I'll pass on the boys number he's disabled and does nothing but work his dogs so you wouldnt go wrong with one he's in fife about 800 yards along the road for me pm me if [bANNED TEXT] after his number .

  7. Dont worry mate my mrs said those are the best piks of her haha . ill get a few pictures of ty's weekend collar on her tomorrow and give you a proper laugh we were talking to the boy when i baught my leads and being a typical woman she asked do you have a pink one .... Well lets just say that every walk she comes on with me i have to humor the brightest pink collar you will litraly ever see its a darn embaressment not to mention her coat :icon_eek: thats what happens when you let them loose on a poor dog lol .

  8. My problem with the tread mill is the amount of people getting into the game that think its comon practice and it should be far from it . The amount of people that think a 6 month old pup should be on a tread mill is astounding and its down to bad information. The last thing any young dog needs is mill work i see the bennifits for finishing a dog of and for racing dogs but christ half an hour on the lamp 5 nites a week keeps any dog ticking over you dont need to walk the legs of any dog to get them to peak rest has just as big a part to play. Young dogs need plenty time and patience plenty praise and as many new situations as possible socialising with stock other dogs people loud noises new suroundings this is what finishes a yearling working dog of and prepares it for its first season not a tread mill.

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