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pink head

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Status Updates posted by pink head

  1. ot me nuggett i not like the goat hes a prick

  2. 37 rabbits you lieing c**t. im having more down the common.

  3. the tea gone shit up there wendy scrimping on the tea bags and she dont warm my cup like charlie. john want to sort it because glenvill loves glengetty and he said the same.

  4. my best mate scott still picking beans up there.

  5. i seen him selling snow in the mount the gypsey c**t

  6. I know that gobbin he only charge me 90p for tea up is house

  7. These tubes are boiling hot today.

  8. These tubes are boiling hot today.

  9. f**k all wrong with the tea now net. tetly or hot chocolate now

  10. wilsher after more pies jon. 3 times this week he phoned me for dog food

  11. seen him coming from hermans with his computer. on call my arse

  12. checked my rat trap earlier and i caught glenvil gnawing on the bait

  13. nuggett have 1 good day the dull c**t think he is the wariner. i heared he is walking puppies for glenvill next year

  14. i been out but we used my eye opener john. he only out 4 times a year and he fully booked till october 2014 and im out with kegsy that day

  15. i know that cuz. try get him fit

  16. i work old butty. we go up cubbing in may i book a rest day

  17. found out the goat jon i think its marble f*****g about

  18. im not the goat old butty. i wouldnt put it past winder

  19. wilsher due up for dog food . he on about getting a paper round

  20. have a look at the post what dous every body do with their quarry

  21. im off gutt my rabbits see you later cuz

  22. why stoop to his level and lie cuz

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