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Posts posted by Lilnina

  1. not had any experience of handcock myself but the chap who bred my current lurcher has bred and owned lurchers for over 20yrs and wanted to put more collie blood back into his line so bought a handcock puppy he gave it away at 6 months cos it was too sharp with other dogs, too cautious of people(he likes easy going dogs) also too independent -no recall or retrieve so buy with caution cos have heard this from a few people

  2. hi all ive always used drontol as a wormer but ive now been given milbemax to use on the dogs. Which one is best as ive never used milbemax. Any help on this cheers.
    Can i just ask how much your getting the (20kg) wormers for?
    ive just done 5 dogs 3 terriers 1 whippet and a big lurcher and the vets charged 34 quid

    wow thats expensive

    milbemax puppy does dogs and puppies up to 5kg

    milbemax adult does dogs and puppies 5-25kg

    you should be paying no more than £5 for puppy ones and £7 for adult at most when getting them direct from the vets-didd they charge a consultation for you seeing the vet- most vets will give a years supply of wormers in one go for each dog-if you have more than two dogs ask to see a partner in the practice and disscuss discount they want you to worm your dogs

  3. I noticed a thread on here about a dogs rubbing its hoop along the floor and a few said it was to do with the anal gland.Well my pup been doing it a while now and i know its not worms as wormed every 4 weeks and was only done a few days ago.I just wondered how much the vet charges to do this as i dont fancy sticking my fingers up his arse.And if he reacts the way my Mrs does when i try it with her im f****d!

    what wormer do you use?

  4. i work on reception at a vets surgery the only insurance company we will not deal with directly (meaning you the owner has to pay for all treatment up front) is E & L in ALL its forms. petplan are good payers and dont quibble more expensive than most though!

    make sure you get a lifetime policy then any condition is covered for life, yearly policies will not cover a condition after the end of the first year it was diagnosed.

    dont tell them it is a working dog just crossbreed is fine-thats what they are!

    if you get a lifetime policy do not let it lapse!

    insurance will not cover any routine work including dentals unless there is a medical reason for it

    check with insurance company about breeding from bitches we had an emergency cesarian come in the other day £1000 lter insurance company would not pay as the owner made the decision to put the bitch in pup and therefore at risk.

    my insurance is that i work for a vet and have done for twenty years-most of what i could not afford i would not choose to put my dogs through!!!

  5. No offence but Redmills and the like are full of crap, check the ingredients! :sick: Barking Heads isn't bad but is still only 30% meat and 70% "other stuff". Their 55% meat claim isn't accurate as it includes FRESH meat, the water from which is removed during processing - the manufacturer has apologised and confirmed this to me in writing.


    Personally I'd feed raw (look through this section of the forum, I'm not typing it all out again :laugh:). But if you really want to feed dry regardless, then Orijen is about the best of the bunch as someone said above. :thumbs: It's made from 70% meat and bones, 30% fruit and veg, and is about ideal with 40% protein and 20% fat ("puppy" formula, which is fine for adult working dogs, again confirmed by the manufacturer). Orijen is expensive to buy up front (£28 or so for 7.5KG or £46 for 13.5KG delivered, off the top of my head) - BUT you need to feed so little of it it's actually cheaper than Redmills, Gain, Beta and all the other grain based "cheap" kibbles.


    Up to you mate, at the end of the day.

    Just checked out that orijen, its dear but if you only needed to feed half the amount compared to different stuff then it could be worth it, however to feed a 20kg working lurcher you would need to feed 300 grams of origen as apposed to only 250 using eukaneba-skinners etc so not really anygood for hard workin lurchers imo, prob fine for small or pet dogs tho an defo looks to have some good tackel in there just a shame about the $$. :thumbs:

    so what skinners would you recommend for an adult lurcher cheers

    i feed skinners to all my crew as its the only dry food that dont give two of them the runs i also feed as much raw meat as i can though thats not always much as i have no freezer so ahve trouble storing it. you can chop and change between all the skinners food so if dog is out of action you can change to a lower protien with any fuss. mine are fed field and trial 'crunchy' as working adults puppy as puppies and maintanance if out of action.

  6. you got any other dogs?

    most on here would say dont feed dry food, feed meat instead. i feed some dry but with as much raw meat as i can. all food is fed according to the dogs ideal weight and current work load so you need to find out how much he weighs and also what food is it and what are the guidelines for feeding amounts. if you think he is overweight fed him just slightly less than reccomended. but he may be overwieght due to lack of work if thats the case you may need to adjust how much you feed by keeping an eye on how he is looking .

    worm him too-most important and i would reccomend milbemax

    how old is he? has he been kept indoors or out? on his own or with others? is he castrated?

    all the above and more will effect how much and possibly what you fed him.

    if he is going to be living out for the first time dont chase the weight of off him too fast at this time of year just increase his excercise and let him turn fat to muscle.

    hope this helps

  7. was going to go as my daughters ferret had qualifiedbut never recieved paper work and when i phoned to sort stuff out was told;

    no camping avaliable but may be some down the road!!!


    also when we got there we could ask people on gate to find someone from ferret show and they would come over and get us in for free


    i could see myself driving for upwards of four hours to find no camping and blank stares on the gate


    dn't bother to far to go for that crap

  8. Its rubbish not like it used to be in the 80s and £15 to get in dont these organizers know theirs a recesition on obviously not :angry::thumbdown:

    GAME FAIR.ITS MORE LIKE A GIANT CAR BOOT SALE.last went 2 yrs ago and will never go again.go to the midland game fair instead



    My daughter has qualified with her ferret for champion of champions but have heard nothing from the organisers, have tried to call but no answer!

    i have heard from others that camping is expensive and that sort of money to get in means we will not go.

    will wait till pride of the peaks

    if i am wrong about costs would someone like to correct me

    or an organiser contact me through this site please

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