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Posts posted by zak-s410

  1. oryt lads


    Aint posted for ages, or been out for ages come to think of it lol


    New baby takes alot of time :yes:


    Anyway iv landed a new ratting permision where im working away (lots of cow sheds) :gunsmilie:

    hopefully il be out every night next week and have a post for every night :thumbs:



    lads iv also found a head torch that i think is great for ratting, it gives you a good light out to about 40-50 yds, so more than enough for ratting imo, £8 i gave for mine. heres the link for one i found on the internet http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?rlz=1T4SMSN_enGB400GB401&q=lighthouse+head+torch&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=8840158439018950969&ei=ZC_kTICaAsHKhAfZq4GUDQ&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CC0Q8wIwAw#


    Atb, Zak

  2. I have the S410 Carbine, have had it for about 4 years, and I love it. I use pest control pellets and they always hit where they are ment to. I only had one small problem with the gun, and that was the rubber oring that goes around the mag broke within 2 months, I called Air Arms and they sent me 2 replacements for free. I am sure that it is hitting below the 12FT Lbs its probably aroung 10.5 or 11. But this has never been noticable.


    I have never regretted my purchase.



    This happened on my 2 mags, so i took them apart and put 2 small elastic bands in instead, be carefull if you take them apart tho because there is tiny ball bearings inside that are so hard to find when they spring out lol :doh:


    the s410's are a great gun to by the way.

    Atb zak

  3. Im goning to send off for my fac and sgc very soon just waiting for one of my referee to get back from holidays.


    Iv got about 1200 to spend altogether. this is what i had in mind (if i get granted what i want)


    Hatsan escort 12g with 28 inch barrel (or simular)


    Baikal .410 Stealth or a mossberg pump action hushpower


    mossberg 817 plinkster .17hmr or CZ 452 Silhoutte .17hmr


    could you tell me if there is any other models i should be looking at if you think that they are better than my inital choice please


    and what cartridges you find best in the hush powers


    then when i have a little bit more cash i will look into getting an over under of some kind, i like the look of the 686 silver pigeon, but that will have to wait lol


    any input would be much appreciated :drinks:


    Atb Zak

  4. her is a pic of all my gear! Guns: S410 classic .22, and a part over hauled titan manitou .22





    my realtree kit and dpm jacket with a hoddie my lovely nan made for me lol :icon_redface:





    Close up of my titan.





    Close up of my s410 Hawke 4-16x50 ao ir, with a jsr torch and laser, 9-13 bipod and sling.




    My jack pyke knife.




    and my lamping setup, Tracer compact gunlamp thanks to UKHUNTER, and i dont know what the big lamp is but its bunk lol




    Atb Zak

  5. Tony mate i am going to make him something out of rabbits for the winter, iv been thinking about it for a while now, only thing is il have to practice my sowing technique lol


    Also i think if i gave him a gat in the morning he would still out shoot me :icon_redface:


    Cheers for the comments lads, Zak.

  6. Hi lads


    well i haven't been out with my gun for yonks :thumbdown:, got a new member in my family to look after see, His name is Zayn :D




    Anyway i really fancied going for a walk down to the woods on a permission 2 mins walk from my house. Got to the field next to the woods checked my zero and i was off :hunter:.


    just as i got through the gate a tree rat was sat up on branch watching me so i slowly brought the gun to my shoulder, being so careful that i didn't spook the little bark stripper, just as i lined up the shot an off mr squizzeral ran :thumbdown:. Oh well.


    so i carried on with my walk an guess who i see 10mins later sat with his back to me :gunsmilie: mr squizzeral, your not gettin away this time ya prick i thought to myself. Crosshair set on the back of his nappa, thwack and down he falls. This part is mad tho i watched it fall from the tree and heard it hit the ground but i could not find a body i looked for about 15-20 minutes, all that was around was old branches and a little bunch of stingy nettles. :hmm: I gave up in the end where ever it had landed it was dead im 100% of that.


    After that ordeal looking for the deceased i heard a few pigeons in the woods somewhere, so i thought i'l go and find them. As i got closer to the whoot whot whoot woot woot, i was spoted by 1 smart pigeon and of it flew shortly followed by the 10 or 15 others in the surrounding trees :wallbash: :wallbash:. im not very good at stalking today. :no:


    So i decided it was time for a fag. As i was sat having my fag a woddie flew straight into the tree i was leaning against :boxing: i sloooowwly pick up the s410 and setup for a shot, i couldn't see the birds head as a branch was in the way but the big chest was in full view so chest shot and bye bye. :toast: got him. Went over to pick it up and there was a hole in the side of it head have a look at the pick


    post-38031-035503300 1277815301_thumb.jpg


    don't know if this was from the fall but it seemed a fresh wound. i had a walk about for another hour or so but i didn't see a thing, so i packed up took a another photo of the bird with my gun and headed home.


    post-38031-020643000 1277815753_thumb.jpg


    hope you enjoy. Zak.

  7. Im in the process of sorting out all my stuff for an fac and sgc :gunsmilie:


    Iv been looking at this shotgun http://gunmart.net/gun_review/hushpower_mossberg_12g_pump-action_shotgun/ and want to know what licence the 5+1 goes on? i think its the FAC because it says Section 1 format, but unsure. And would it make that much differance having 3 more shots?


    Also do you think that the feo would give me 1 on my first ticket?


    Thanks Zak :thumbs:

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