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Posts posted by gundogbob

  1. thats a good start with the ferreting might as well get yourself some more pigeon shooting one can never have to much to be able to get some sport oh dont forget pick up your empties lol

    i to have permission in herts and there is a few that dont pick up and leave a right mess as they only pay for the day then never see them again b*****ds


    yeah hopefully its a way in have to wait and see,i always pick up my emptys mate fecking loads buried in my garden :thumbs: suppose il get in trouble for that now :D


    that it mate

    it is the diffrence in having respect for the land unfortunatly it is wollys like us that clear up after them i save mine up and am lucky enough to be able to take them to the local clay ground

  2. thats a good start with the ferreting might as well get yourself some more pigeon shooting one can never have to much to be able to get some sport oh dont forget pick up your empties lol

    i to have permission in herts and there is a few that dont pick up and leave a right mess as they only pay for the day then never see them again b*****ds

  3. i aggree it is not hard to pick the cases up they are alot lighter to carry home i allways pick them up after and the birds

    but if you are that worried about it and wondering why they keep permission go and tell the farmer/landowne and take there permission or let me guess you should not of been there enyway like dog men just thinck they own all land :whistling:

  4. all ready been said by others but these were mine still got them somewhere stig of the dump by clive king and danny the champion of the world by rould dahl i also had a little pocket book that belong to my grandfather about making traps but lost it years ago shame i cant remember what it was but spent hours trying to make them never caught enything tho :thumbs:

  5. a worker to me is one that just does it job entering holes comfidently and not backing in and out potters around and not spending to much time rushing around can be worked with others and not playing as ive seen to meny times before but as this is not perfect world one that just bolts rabbits helps lol :thumbs:

  6. to be honest un less you have a real good reason to breed them then dont as albert said you could end up with 40 kits if you cant shift them you are going to have to have a big court to house them let alone the running costs ie food bedding ect honestly there is no need to breed them some one is bound to have a vacomised hod if you are that worried

    im not having a go just there is alot more to it than breeding to bring out of season :thumbs:

  7. even if i do breed from them can they have their kits together?


    hope fully someone will give you a more deatailed answer but from my own expierince to of my jill were bred from last year as i needed stock and i knew people who wanted the rest one jill was a great mother and the other did not want to know her kits so i had to put them in with the other she motherd 14 kits by her self :thumbs:

  8. i aggree with albert just keep the housing well clean as they are more likly to get ill/die from infection than not being bread from if you end up with kits they can be quite hard to get rid of even for free :thumbs:

  9. sounds to me you are a down to earth guy did all the right things there prats just keep doing what you are doing by keeping your dogs under controll picking up shite if needed well yor dogs lol when the other naibours see what you and your dogs are like they will hope fully have your back should the arse hols try reporting you out of spite

    all the best and tyr your best to keep your cool :thumbs:

  10. eny one know where i can get hold of some quail im in hertfordshire so local would help within 25 miles if possible but willing to travel if absolutly nessesery eny leads would be help full tried looking online but nobody is getting back to my emails

    many thanks :thumbs:

  11. Alot less than before tossers started knocking them off from June onwards with a rifle.

    some of us have to shoot them to keep the numbers down there are guys that use dogs for us but they cant get as many as us rifle boys can



    we have had 28 since harvest :thumbs:

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