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gentleman jim

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Posts posted by gentleman jim

  1. ive got the Hw 100 kt , webley Raider 2 shot, both in 22. and the hw 97k springer in 177, all fantastic air riffles , for shooting in barns at night the hw 100 is the one to use is so quite and the 14shot magazine is so easy to use, the raider is a bit of an arse to load in the dark,As for the 97k springer 177 tuned, its a fantastic gun in the field .


    thanks for info Gravel. i have plenty of food for thought lads. i hope to get up too the gun shop this weekend and see what is about and what i like

  2. they can but they make the gun smoother too shoot tame the recoil and make them more consistent when shooting ie the fps feet per second . plenty to chose from .i highly recommend v-mach kits but one of my 95s has a sfs (sandwell field sports) and its was amazingly smooth felt like shooting a rimfire .


    hope this helps

    they can but they make the gun smoother too shoot tame the recoil and make them more consistent when shooting ie the fps feet per second . plenty to chose from .i highly recommend v-mach kits but one of my 95s has a sfs (sandwell field sports) and its was amazingly smooth felt like shooting a rimfire .


    hope this helps


    is the fps all the same or is their all different amounts of fps? also can i put the kits in myself or would i need a gun smith to do it?

  3. there is only realy a few top notch rifles


    weihrauch hw90 hw97

    air arms tx200 gorgeous gun

    theoben under lever with a 7shot mag only spring gun with a mag i know off.


    as for pcp's weihrauch hw100 as it is regulated people say they are not like that knob jockey Nigel Allen but they are regulated.


    i love daystates but not willing to pay for one.


    hi geoff i seen the price of the daystate! i missed out on this one ;

    Daystate Airwolf .22 40ft/lb FAC


    Hi, i have for sale a Mint Daystate Airwolf 40ft/lb
    in .22 calibre. It also has a Daystate leather bottle cover on the buddy bottle. It comes with the 10 shot mag, single shot tray, charger and isolator key. RFD transfer costs would be covered by the buyer and will be £20 to send the
    . £500 plus the £20 transfer costs.


    i'll have a look online t the other ones just mentioned





  4. forgot to mention i have found weihrauchs dont need a tuning kit but it makes then even nicer too shoot . and another free tip when going out shooting in 2 degree temps wear thermals , I CANT STOP PEEING


    :laugh: webster i was the very same while out deer stalking! as you i learned the hard way, i now wear LONG JOHNS!

    what are these tuning kits that your on about? do they make the rifle more powerful?

  5. thanks for the reply's lads.

    i have only ever had centrefire rifles and 12g shotguns, so iv'e no idea what type of air rifle to go for! i got permission on a golf course and it's alive with grey squirrels and rabbits! so i need something that is powerful enough to kill both of them cleanly.

    hi WEBSTER,

    im 5'6 and stocky build. what sort of range can you shoot at with the HK95K? do you need a mod with a springer?

    would you go for a .177 or .22?

  6. make you own, seriously, hide poles in shop 4 = £60


    my 4 from wilkinsons £11.00, and made the spikes in my shed out of scrap













    thanks stubby but i am not great at D I Y! and i dont know anyone with a welder!

    does anyone know a good set of poles they could reconmend?

  7. reports in paper,herald, today says local republican has warned him to start a new life aboard or face consequences.


    i hope he doesn't leave the country so!! :gunsmilie:

    look forward to reading about his death in the paper

  8. Shit mate, so sorry to hear that. :(


    I lost my silver mitt hob a few months back. He done the same, perked up one morning then was dead about an hour later. :(


    Gutted for you.



    cheers mate. i wouldn't mind but he was my first ferret and only had him from last year! it's made how quick they can go down hill! :(


    like a kick in the stones :(

  9. Aww, no. That's ever so sad. Consider yourself hugged :(




    [ p.s. i know it's not relevant, but i lost my favourite ferret ever, about six months ago; he was called Gentleman Jim, too ]



    thanks a million. just annoyed and sick cause he was a nice wee fella! he was a great worker and i wanted to breed off him! have another ferret who is a great worker but he is neutered! he's great but he's not like [big fella] as he never bit me once and was just lovable! so annoyed :censored:

  10. cheers mate. had him back down at the vets today, he was a bit liveler today but still very wezzey!vet gave him another 3 injections! he is drinking and i bought him some cat food, rabbit flavour! i have mashed it up and he ate some of it!but he is very skinny! he's back inside the shed in a warm hutch! just have to keep an eye on him!

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