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Posts posted by deborah

  1. Hi all,


    Just to update you.


    Lauren Thomas, of Louth Rd, Horncastle appeared at Skegness Magistrate court on July 15th and was given a 5 year ban from keeping horses, a 12 month community order, a 9 month supervision order and £250 fine towards costs. (this was in open public court in was in the local paper so feel able to print her name)


    The was NO MENTION WHATSOEVER of the word DOG!! despite the three starved bodies of the afghans I found behind the field shelter. Of course it was easier for the RSPCA to prosecute her for the cruelty and starvation of the horses because they were still alive and they could have veterinary evidence to support the case. The dogs had been dead too long to post mortem.


    Fortunately, a chance remark by a social worker to her probation officer has led her to me and I have filled her in on every detail of the dogs and I know, being an animal lover, this lady will not let Lauren wriggle out of anything to do with her court order. The whole probation office is appalled at the dogs not being included but I suppose the RSPCA had to go with the stuff they could be assured of winning in court.


    The dogs have had no justice and this girl still has her other two dogs. I still plan to hound the RSPCA for explanations for their apparent lack of investigations into the dogs deaths.





  2. anyone know of any militant animal rights folk!!!!


    unfortunately as those same "militant animal rights folk" often target those who hunt (as most everyone on here does) you aren't likely to get anyone here to give you any names. Most of them work for or with the RSPCA anyway ... it is a shame about this, I just wonder WHY they aren't prosecuting for the dogs? That just doesn't make any sense.



    The RSPCA have said their reason for not prosecuting is they haven't got a proven cause of death. The dogs has been dead for too long to post mortem (I have spoken to vets and Cambridge Veterinary school and there is no point doing a post mortem on a dog that has been dead more than 24 hours cos the bacteria inside their bodies starts to break down along with enzymes) Cambs also said though that for starvation the dog doesn't necessarily have to be opened up cos the Vet can SEE the body condition and emaciation. Even the RSPCA have said a vet just has to be willing to stand up in court and say that in their expert opinion the animal suffered. I guess the Vet's they went to just isnt the sort to stand up and be counted. But then again, I don't know exactly what the vets were told when the dogs were taken in. Perhaps if they had known they were all under 3 1/2 years old and the identity of the owner was known they may have been more inclined to give a decent report. If they thought they were just dumped bodies with no chance of ever finding owners they probably just looked at em then re-bagged em up without a proper examination. I shall be writing to the Vets and asking em why they didn't give a proper account of the horrific body condition in a report and be willing to go to Court.


    Thank you to you all for your kind word's, support and advice.



  3. Yep, just as I thought!!!


    I phoned RSPCA today and despite what my friend was told on Tuesday THERE IS TO BE NO PROSECUTION FOR THE DOGS. ONLY THE HORSES


    So they died in vain. long lingering death........for nothing.


    I am VERY angry.


    Now HQ and the Regional HQ have BOTH said they are doing nothing, then our only progress is the national press. I will do my best but am sure they will worry about all this libel crap etc etc


    I would like to put this girl up against a wall.......... anyone know of any militant animal rights folk!!!!

  4. Hi All,


    Just to update you, a close friend of one of the breeders has actually been able to speak to someone at the RSPCA (this is no mean feat!! they usually say they will phone you back and don't!) anyway the woman at RSPCA has stated that the investigation is LIVE and ongoing and includes the dogs AND the horses. I have no doubt the woman was relaying what she read on their computer screens but I'm afraid the cynic in me still doubts the truth. IF this is a live investigation, WHY haven't I been asked for a statement as it was me that found them?? Lets face it, my statement should have been taken within days of finding them, and that statement along with ownership proof from the breeders is what the case should have been based upon. It is now nearly three months down the line and I have had no contact whatsoever from the local Inspector.


    Clive Rees said in an email, that a prosecution has to be brought within 6 months from the defendants interview date, (which I know was just over a week after I found em) so we are nearly halfway to that deadline. Personally in MY opinion I think they are just fluffing it until it nears the date and then they will say they have run out of time. If they said it was sunny outside I would look out the window to check!! Don't believe a word without seeing it in writing and this is something they have failed to do despite being asked repeatedly by us lot AND a solicitor.


    I agree with Cold Ethyl a petition should be done to government to change the attitude of the RSPCA and make their actions accountable. If anyone has enough time there is a website called No 10 petitions or somert similar where anyone can set a petition up and it gets emailed via links etc etc. I would imagine it would get a VERY good response.



  5. This story is yet another example of the RSPCA NOT doing what they should. That little dog had its life ended because of his anger, he SHOULD have been prosecuted and sued for loss of her pet/upset and anything else that could be thought of. What's he going to do next time? Slap a child??


    This is the same issue I am having with the three young Afghan Hounds I found emaciated, dead in bin bags on March 8th. THEY suffered plenty!! Yet the RSPCA don't want to know about them either....


    So a little Yorkie who died instantly isn't worth bothering about because it didn't 'suffer' and three young emaciated, matted solid Afghans aren't worth bothering about either even they must have suffered terribly!!! That yorkie died instantly yet the Afghans would have taken 3-4 weeks. So the long and short if it is.....they just can't be bothered!!

  6. After reading about the arse pca on here yesterday and now this today wouldn't it be nice if we could somehow get these stories printed in the daily papers and expose them for the useless twats they really are! It would be nice if all the people funding them through donations could see them for what they are. My mum used to donate to the by direct debit but that soon stopped and i think a lot of people would feel the same if they knew the truth.




    I totally agree with you! and if you have any ideas HOW we can get the national papers to cover this without being threatened with harassment or slander I would be eternally grateful. I have asked a journalist (bigger than local paper who has already put few lines) and he said that if we tried to publically have a go at RSPCA for not prosecuting this girl, SHE could do us for slander cos she would say 'why should RSPCA prosecute me, I've done nothing wrong'


    Ridiculous!! The law is totally wrong sometimes!!

  7. I am confused again ... are you trying to have the owner prosecuted, or are you trying to have the RSPCA prosecuted/revealed for their screwing up the case against the owner?



    In an ideal world I would like this evil girl prosecuted for allowing them to die AND the RSPCA for being incompetent, arrogant and utterly useless!!


    The way things are going I would be grateful for ANYTHING if the way of justice. They still havent replied to the solicitors letter!! Talk about ignorant!!



  8. well my lurcher bitch gets a long walk each day and a through her dummy for her to retrieve countless times...but i hear of people running dogs next to cars bikes etc....is it neccassery or do i need to do more


    with the terriers i build up muscle and stamina by swimming them in the local like up and down the jetty but it aint deep enough for the lurcher



    All of my dogs, the Afghans and the Lurchers are packed with muscles (apart from the very oldies) and the Afghans can literally pluck a pigeon from the air and have even been known to leap up and catch Swallows, which my Vet was amazed at. (poor buggers, fly all this way, then get grabbed in mid air) My lot never walk anywhere, they always either trot or run. I admit I'm lucky because we have enough room for them to free run. I have a very elderly friend who has Great Danes and even though she is too old to walk them they all have very good muscles cos she runs them next to her car. I have to say this has lead to a couple of disasters, resulting in her dogs twice getting into a scrap and her being complained about to the Police, so I would not recommend that as being the way forward. Not to mention the prospect of the dog buggering off and getting hit by a car.


    Good food, good protein and free running is my advice. I think the racing greyhounds have supplements but cant think of the name of it.



  9. Got a problem with my hound hes just approaching 6 months old, he's great when you go out recalls pretty good and getting better but i have a problem when we get home, i'll be sitting on the sofa minding my own business and hell sgtand in front of me barking wagging his tail sometimes he wants to play but other times it just seems like he's doing it for the hell of it {doesn't do it to the wife} any suggestions as to why and how to stop it? I will add he's very slow on the uptake.



    My lot just seem to enjoy barking! After all it is their only way of communicating to you, apart from a waggy tail. When any of my dogs sit in front of us watching TV, its cos they want you to play with them instead of watching the telly. If he does it after you have been out having fun then perhaps he is saying 'come on Dad, lets go again'


    It is a form of attention seeking, and he will probably grow out of it, he's just a babe and has lots of energy to get rid of. My lot have each other and bomb around all day then collapse into heaps exhausted.


    I know it gets on your nerves a bit, but dont yell at him, it's only cos he wants to be with you.



  10. you rang that number



    Hi, No I havent phoned him. I'm going to email him. I can explain everything fully in an email and it's cheaper than phoning a mobile!! It is a lengthy story and he will be able to read it at his leisure and think about it rather than me perhaps catching him when he hasn't much time to talk. If I get a encouraging reply then I can phone and speak to him properly. I just thought if he read it all, he would be better able to consider the way forward.






    Well Ive had a reply from Clive Rees. He said starvation is hard to prove and to try the Police if RSPCA dont seem to be bothering. We have now got a solicitor to write to them in the hope they will answer our questions because they appear to have closed ranks and NOT replying to any letters. Its a disgrace that it has come to paying for a solicior's letter just to get a decent response from them. Perhaps they just want to see how far we are willing to push them.??


    Thank you to you all for support and advice.

  11. you rang that number



    Hi, No I havent phoned him. I'm going to email him. I can explain everything fully in an email and it's cheaper than phoning a mobile!! It is a lengthy story and he will be able to read it at his leisure and think about it rather than me perhaps catching him when he hasn't much time to talk. If I get a encouraging reply then I can phone and speak to him properly. I just thought if he read it all, he would be better able to consider the way forward.




  12. . She loved all the fuss and had lots of sausages and treats.


    Sounds like you could do with a good portion of sausage yourself :tongue2::tongue2:



    Probably a waste of time looking to you then. :laugh::)

    Aye, Wilf only likes boys.... :yes:



    Ummpphhh, that wouldn't suprise me. He doesn't post nice comments to women. unless of course 'feck off' and 'piss off' are his idea of a chat up line :D

    Fortunately Neanderthal men are a bit dated.......

  13. Doesnt matter what breed it is- nothing deserves to die like this. We 're all seeing more cruelty every day but Lincoln area seems fliipin rife with cruelty & dog thefts recently.


    As for RSPCA- you find me some one who supports them- even Jo public now starting to see them for what they are.


    Fair play to you & I hope you do get somewhere - pity you dont have photos or other evidence other than dog wardens word for RSPCA visiting & seeing the dead animals.


    Being dont understand afgans at all- but do know what they ought to look like & its not that matted mess you have shown. Take some 'after' shots to back you up.



    Thanks for the support. I met the RSPCA Inspector at the field where I found them and together with a Police Officer (he had to 'seize' the evidence cos the Insp hadn't the powers etc) we bagged their bodies up and put them in her van. The RSPCA Insp on the Sunday was a nice girl and I think if it was her handling this case it wouldn't have turned into a farce. Trouble was, she was just covering the area cos the local one was off that weekend. The local one was really arrogant when I met her a couple of days later at the field (the day the horses were taken) and unfortunately the Sunday girl had passed everything over to the local one to deal with obviously. It was her that told me they are not prosecuting......'no evidence'.... so three young dead dogs in bin bags are not evidence!! HOW she could make this sweeping statement less than 72 hours after I found them is ridiculous... they hadn't even spoken to the girl that owns them!! so how the hell could they justify that remark. They have now stopped replying to our letters of complaints, and believe you me, they have had ALOT from Afghan supporters. I think they know they have messed up. They obviously thought that by telling me they weren't going to prosecute I would just drop it...WRONG. IF we cant get a prosecution, then we intend going after them and going as public as we can to show up what an arrogant uncaring lot they are. I'm sure that there are good and bad within the organisation, just as there are in all walks of life, and there must be many cases where they have helped/saved animals BUT there is overwhelming evidence that they also have alot of failures.


    Something needs to be done. What and how, I don't know but they cannot keep riding rough-shod over anyone that gets in their way or doesn't do things the way they want em done. People will put their pennies in other charity boxes. Personally I haven't given to em for many many years, in fact having spoken to dozens and dozens of people about these dogs, I'm yet to meet ONE person that does give to them. Not one person on the Afghan Forums gives to em, and an elderly friend of mine often visits the Kennel Club has told them and they don't either!!


    I will endeavour to get Lucy to stand still and take her photo so you can see her now. She has put on weight and is much happier. Today was the Afghan Hound Association Championship Show and she came with me to watch. So many people have asked after her that I thought it a good opportunity for them to see her in the flesh. She loved all the fuss and had lots of sausages and treats. I spent most of the afternoon talking to a lady who had bred Amy, one of the dead ones. She got quite tearful looking at Lucy, wishing her Amy had been as lucky as Lucy, and be alive.


    Thank you to everyone for the support and Good wishes. I means alot to know that us lot are not the only ones who can see the RSPCA for what they are.



  14. We, as a breed WILL NOT LET THIS GO


    out of curiosity are you saying if it was a different breed or a mutt that you would not be going to these lengths to obtain justice for the dogs?


    It is Clive Rees 01792772046


    REGARDLESS!!!!!!!!!!! of what BREED of dog these poor starved, emaciated, matted, unloved dogs were I would fight for them. NO animal should die like that but having had Afghans for 30 years, and adoring my lot like I do, I am naturally very angry about it.


    Afghans are not demanding, pushy dogs. They prefer to sit and watch and wait in true Hound style. Their suffering must have been dreadful. Most breed enthusiasts are ultra sensitive to any act of cruelty to their chosen breed, just as some people prefer, horses or cats or any other animal.


    The RSPCA inspector who took the dogs on the Sunday I found them commented (as we just stood looking at their bodies in the bags) that she had NEVER had any dealings with an Afghan in her whole career and was very suprised that someone could do this to such an expensive breed. Doesn't matter how much a dog cost, it dies the same if it's not fed!!



  15. Hi Deborah,


    Hello ! I dont really have any opinion to express on the why's and where for's regarding your actions, my assumption is your actions where honorable, and best of luck with seeking the help you require !




    Tom ;)


    Thanks, I just want some justice for these dogs. I wish they had been alive when I found them and all of this hadn't been necessary and I have had alot of sleepless nights since then, and I will never look at a bin bag the same again!! Sometimes I wish I'd never found them cos of the bloody hassle Ive gone through since, but then I think that if I hadnt, they would still be behind that stable and that would have been even worse. At we can do is try and get some sort of justice in their names (Amy, Flora & Henry)




    PS. Thank you for the private messages of support. I appreciate it.

  16. East England afghan club ?



    Yes, it does stand for East of England Afghan Club. I have done rescue for years, and thankfully the club have agreed to support this ongoing hassle with RSPCA.


    The newspaper article got a bit wrong. I took the emaciated bitch, who is now called Lucy, IN on the 16th Feb (ironically that was her 2nd Birthday, but obviously didnt know that at the time) and found the others on March 8th. I spent nearly three hours writing a long report on the whole sad tale for the paper, but they hadn't got enough room to print all of it, so chopped loads out and printed the bare basics. I have now been asked to take a photo of Lucy as she is now and they are hoping to print the two photos together. She is lovely. put on loads of weight, and is now a bundle of naughtiness. When I first got her she just slept for days and lay curled up in a very traumatised ball and to say she was starving is an understatement!! I had to sedate her to clip her head, her ears were folded in half cos the mats were so tight, and when I clipped her legs, her skin flaked off and she had sores. I've groomed dogs for over 20 years and I've done some VERY bad ones, but she was the worst I have ever seen, and she stank of horses. I think the only reason she was allowed to live was cos a social worker SAW her at the house and then this girl knew she had to get rid of her cos the social worker had had a go at her about the condition of the dog. Thats why she handed her in as a 'stray' Thank God the social worker phoned the dog warden to tell her she wasn't a 'stray' but actually belonged to the family. Without that phone call I would never have found the dead ones or helped the horses. The World Horse Welfare chap said the horses wouldn't have lasted much longer.


    I think it sad that members on here are so suspicious of someone asking for advice and support. Thank you to the folk that have posted 'good luck' messages etc. We, as a breed WILL NOT LET THIS GO, and even if we cant get a prosecution for the dogs we have every intention of going after the RSPCA for their appalling behaviour which amounts to a huge cover up of evidence. Yes, I realise that the law states that a case has to be practically watertight to get to court and obviously they are not going to prosecute if there is not enough evidence, especially with costs being so high. BUT these three young dogs did not die of natural causes. One, dying, if it was poorly and they couldnt afford a vet, you can accept, but THREE!! Someone was responsible for the starvation and neglect, someone put them in bin bags and someone chucked em up against the back of the stable wall.. this was not a accident, and members of the public should know the TRUTH about where their hard earned money goes when they make donations, cos in this case it certainly WAS NOT used to prosecute an act of dreadful cruelty.


    Thank you Setter for copying the Our Dogs article, hopefully it will be in Dog World this week (if they have space!!)


    Many voices are loader than a few, and there are enough people, on here alone, let alone in other forums/breeds etc that should stand up and shout that the RSPCA are NOT doing what they originally were intended for, and are instead causing ordinary good people grief, wasting thousands on bureaucracy and I'm sure are causing alot of animals to suffer more cos they are SO unapproachable to ask for help when someone genuinely needs it.

    They are just after money to pay for very over inflated senior managers and they have an awful lot of folk working for them at their multi million pounds new headquarters, judging by the amount of them I've shouted at over the last few weeks!!


    Is it Clive Rees or Clive Reeves?? two posting said different names.






    This site should be for anyone who supports the Countryside, animals and associated activities, be it a hobby or a income. Members are wrong to ridicule other members chosen hobbies/ways of life. We are all different and it is unfair to judge and be aggressively rude.





    I dont think for a minute this link thing will work, but I cant upload the article from Our Dogs cos the upload thing is saying the file is too big


    I am amazed that you should all be SO suspicious of someone just asking for some simple advice. NO Foxfan. I do not have a 'personal feud' with this girl. I have never met her. I simply loathe someone who could be SO needlessly cruel to dogs and horses. STARVATION MUST BE A VERY PROLONGED, PAINFUL DEATH AND IS TOTALLY UNNECESSARY. She only had to pick up the phone and they could have been collected by breeders, rescue, dog warden etc. But, NO, she deliberately starved them to death. The horses had open weeping sores along their spines, and were extremely emaciated. As an animal lover I take that sort of deliberate cruelty very personally. cos it is abhorrant to me how someone could do that!!


    I FOUND those dogs AND the horses. I SAW what she had done to them, and I am going to make every effort I can to make her pay for that, and if that means taking the RSPCA to task about their crap handling of this, then so be it. I have NO issues about standing up and being counted. I do not bleat about things on forums. I just found this site and Assumed (WRONGLY!!) that having read some articles on here about the RSPCA, that folk on here would be a good source of information about who to contact to help us.


    Thank you to Hyperion, who suggested Clive Rees. I have his email address now.


    IF the link thing has worked you will see a photo of the little 'stray' I have taken in. I would copy/paste my 7 1/2 page complaint to the RSPCA but I cant cos it mentions address's and names and again its the bloody data prorection act crap! IF any of you go into a newsagent, you will just have to look through the Dog paper, Our Dogs, and find the article 'Justice for bin bag Afghans, please' (or it may be online)


    I do not know of one single person in the world of dogs that donates to the RSPCA, and if I can loose them more revenue from the general public then I am happy to do whatever it takes.


    So Wilf, (who thankfully I cant smell from here!!) rather than just slag the RSPCA off on here and jump down people's throats, how many letters to MP's, the charities commission, the trading standards, the Patrons, and animal charities, WHW, the Kennel Club etc etc etc have you written??? None?? No I didnt think so.


    You not only have to talk the talk but you have to walk the walk.


  18. Hi


    The local paper (Lincolnshire) has done a small piece but couldnt even put the breed cos of legal reasons in case she could be 'identified' bloody ridiculous. the dogs were so horrific, she would have hardly been seen out walking em would she!


    It was in the national dog press last week 'Our Dogs' and is supposed to be in the other dog paper 'Dog World' hopefully this week. It's a bloody legal minefield, and we just want some proper advice what is the best way forward. A normal solicitor isnt going to be that up to date with the Animal Welfare Act and the new 'duty of care' stuff, which was why I was hoping perhaps someone else may have had run ins with this type of stuff before.


    I am not going to let this go, no matter how much 'brushing under the carpet' the RSPCA try n do and have every intention of going to the national press, TV in fact anywhere that will try and discredit the RSPCA. Ive even written to the Queen, as their Patron, and got a very good reply from her.


    Rather than have a go at me, I would have thought the site would have supported any efforts to try and stuff the RSPCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    And before I'm branded as some sort of do-gooder, Ive had dogs and horses nearly all my life, my Dad was a game-keeper and I was his head beater and left hand girl!! I've lived in the Country all my life, and always supported countryside issues.


    And yet you telephone for "help" the very people who would see men like your Dad either put in prison or consigned to the history books!!..........bizarre?


    How can the local dog warden be of any harm. Plus it was she who told me of the other dogs being kept, we suspected at the stables, having been told that info by a social worker visiting this family. I do rescue for my breed, and as soon as I found out that this 'stray' was NOT a stray, I made lots of enquiries to other afghan people, and then found out that she had a further 3 dogs. I went out on that Sunday determined to find the field of horses and hopefully the dogs. I knew they would be in a state cos of the 'stray' but was hoping they would be shut in a stable etc, It was dreadful opening the bin bags dumped at the back of the stable. One little bitch had even been chewed by rats. I could smell them, but it was a horrific find and one that will stay with me for a very long time.


    Where I live there are alot of pheasants etc bred, you see pens and pens of em. Never heard of any local issues from owners.

  19. Don't worry about WILF, He has hormone problems now and again, but the general gist of what he says rings true, a lot of people on here have had nothing but trouble from the rspca.

    You obviously haven't had to deal with them before, but now you have you realise what a bunch of hypocritic money grabbers they are.


    Probably your best route to let people know what they are really like is, as riohog says, get in touch with your local newspaper and see if they are willing to do a story on it, but i wouldn't hold my breath if i was you.


    Anyway, Welcolm to the site, It's a good site with a lot of helpfull people, and a only few WILF's



    Thank you. I'm sure Wilf could get tablets for his affliction if he asked his doctor. LOL

  20. The horses are fine now they are being fed and they are going to prosecute for the horses.


    When I found the dogs, I called the dog warden for help, it was she who phoned the RSPCA, cos they are the ones who are supposed to HELP along with the police.


    I do not deserve your nasty words and sadly it shows you up for being not a nice person. This site is found by clicking on google under the name of a solicitor that deals with animal issues. All I did was ask if anyone knows of any legal experts in this field.


    With postings like yours, it no wonder that the general public are anti hunting.


    The general public are anti hunting because of bad media against hunting, fuelled by groups such as RSPB, RSPCA, league against cruel sports, etc.

    Which is supported by the government because they want everyone to think the same so easier to control.


    Not the best response you recieved but then you didn't respond well either, especially as you have generalised against the whole of the members here.




    I have NOT generalised AT ALL!! I just dont see where to click 'reply' to a certain individual, in this case the ignorant Wilf!!

  21. Hi


    The local paper (Lincolnshire) has done a small piece but couldnt even put the breed cos of legal reasons in case she could be 'identified' bloody ridiculous. the dogs were so horrific, she would have hardly been seen out walking em would she!


    It was in the national dog press last week 'Our Dogs' and is supposed to be in the other dog paper 'Dog World' hopefully this week. It's a bloody legal minefield, and we just want some proper advice what is the best way forward. A normal solicitor isnt going to be that up to date with the Animal Welfare Act and the new 'duty of care' stuff, which was why I was hoping perhaps someone else may have had run ins with this type of stuff before.


    I am not going to let this go, no matter how much 'brushing under the carpet' the RSPCA try n do and have every intention of going to the national press, TV in fact anywhere that will try and discredit the RSPCA. Ive even written to the Queen, as their Patron, and got a very good reply from her.


    Rather than have a go at me, I would have thought the site would have supported any efforts to try and stuff the RSPCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    And before I'm branded as some sort of do-gooder, Ive had dogs and horses nearly all my life, my Dad was a game-keeper and I was his head beater and left hand girl!! I've lived in the Country all my life, and always supported countryside issues.

  22. The horses are fine now they are being fed and they are going to prosecute for the horses.


    When I found the dogs, I called the dog warden for help, it was she who phoned the RSPCA, cos they are the ones who are supposed to HELP along with the police.


    I do not deserve your nasty words and sadly it shows you up for being not a nice person. This site is found by clicking on google under the name of a solicitor that deals with animal issues. All I did was ask if anyone knows of any legal experts in this field.


    With postings like yours, it no wonder that the general public are anti hunting.

  23. Hi all,


    I'm new here, found this site by typing God knows what into Google! I've lost track, I've searched for so much stuff


    I have Afghan Hounds and we have had an extremely cruel incident within our breed of 3 dogs being starved to death and dumped in bin bags (found by me!!) behind the stable block being rented by the owner of these poor dogs. The RSPCA came out to me that day, took bodies etc, promised they would have post mortems etc. (found out later they didn't!) Whilst at the field, the RSPCA Inspector and myself looked at the horses and they were AWFUL. They were taken into care two days later.


    The RSPCA have been... nasty, arrogant, rude, obstructive etc etc. and have said they are NOT prosecuting!! NO EVIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!! They made this sweeping statement TWO days after me finding the dogs and had NOT MADE ANY enquiries or investigations!! We know the breeding of all 3 dogs, the oldest was just 3 1/2 years old!! the youngest under 2!! Their breeders are EXTREMELY upset, to put it mildly


    This EVIL bitch is laughing and joking around at work with not a care in the world!!


    We DESPERATELY need some help to try and get some justice for these poor dogs. My Vet said it would have taken em 3/4 weeks to die!! All I see when I close my eyes are those little faces, so hungry, and wondering what they had done so wrong and getting weaker and weaker. The same family handed another bitch in as a 'stray' two weeks before I found the dead ones, and she was emaciated and matted solid. I have this little bitch and she is an absolute sweetie. Her brother was one of the dead ones.


    There is tons more but I would be sat her all night typing!!


    If anyone has any ideas of someone who perhaps specialises in animal legal matters, I would be very grateful. The RSPCA take donations to prosecute acts of cruelty. Thats what little old ladies give their money for!! Yet, they dont want to know about these dogs AT ALL!! We need to expose them for this lack of concern and dismissive attitude.





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