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Status Updates posted by Damoruss

  1. Hi John. Long time no text. Looks like you've been really busy with those ferrets of your. Well done mate. I've just got my shot gun licence so after a gun now. Still up for giving you a hand if your ever short on a buddy to come out with you. Still can't get any hunting experience. Hopefully the gun will help get on some local farmers land. Happy hunting mate. TTFN

  2. Sorry to hear about your mate. Thats shit. I've got transport that ain't a problem. Splitting fuel money and the like would be fine. My only problem is I need a good few days notice really. But sure we can sort something out. Just let us know. Your only in ashton aren't you

  3. What you doing sunday. Got a free morning. 10 a.m onwards till about 3. The GF is working so can grad her car. just thought might be able to actually say hello and if you wanted to go see your farmer about your permission could do. Your call. ttfn.

  4. No problem mate. Just let us know. Picked up a shot gun at the cla yesterday so will be out over my permission within the next few weeks. Happy birthday.

  5. hope alls well mate. not seen you on in a while

  6. I'm still willing and able to give you a hand mate. I can assure you I am gagging to get out and learn. Hope its going well either way.

  7. buy them a box of chicken frames from the butcher. only a few quid and far better than dried. The ferrets will love it

  8. happy new year john. hope alls well

  9. Transport ain't a problem. The other half has a mitsub animal. Do you still have your permission near ashton golf course. I have permission on some land in saddleworth but yet to use it. Hoping to sort a shot gun out at the CLA this weekend. I know this land owner personnally so sure it wouldn't be a problem to bring you with me. I'll test the water first just to see how it go...

  10. Is chuffed his shot gun licence is here. Time to buy a gun

  11. hi mate. Good to see you've still got permission. Always helps doesn't it. lol. Not shot the gun yet. just not had time to go speak to the farmer to see if he is still ok for me to go over his land. My mates went clay shooting at weekend but bollocks to that until I get out on my own. Don't want to make a right tit of myself. It's been about 2 years since I've done a...

  12. Yeah would be good to put a face to this board. just give us a heads up if your off out with the ferrets or if you fancy going to check your permissions else where. If you still fancy splittng fuel etc that would be great. I just want to get out and learn. And you seems the right person. Close by and not just a slaughter lover. lol

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